Chapter 3 (I need a cofidant)😩..

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Zainab's POV..
I told the driver to head to the Ahmad's compound (which is my father's compound). I was so lost in thought that I didn't know we had reached the place.
"Madam, we are there already, Madam! Are u alright?" He shouted.
His voice brought me back to reality and I apologised for wasting his time,I paid him off and made my way to my father's compound. Everywhere was silent when I entered and i wondered what was wrong,there were supposed to be shouts and screams of excitement from children but then I remembered it was a work day and not the weekend.

"Asalamualaikum waramatullah wabarakatuh" I said as I entered my mom's room.."Walaiykum salam waramatullah wabarakatuh " she responded.. I guess she was still asleep before I came in because she looked so rough but still beautiful then the following conversation started..

"Ekaaro mami" (good morning mum)
"Bawo ni,ile nko?(How's your home?)
" Alhamdulillah daada lawa"(Alhamdulillah we are fine)
"Bawo ni ara yin maami?" (How's your health mom?)
"Alhamdulillah daada ni mowa jare" (Alhamdulillah am fine jare)
"Awon omo nko?" (How are the kids?)
"Alhamdulillah daada ni won wa,won lo si school ni" (Alhamdulillah they are fine but they are in school)..

"Zainab ki lo she e bayii?" ( what's wrong with you Zainab?)
"Mummy Mo n tin bi lati ale ana fa" (Mom,I have been throwing up since yesternight fa)
"Ha subhanallah, she o ti so fun oko re ni?" ( ha subhanallah, Have you told your husband?)
"Eh nibo mami?" (For where mom?)
"Kilode ti o fi so fun"? (Why didn't you tell him?)
" Emi ke?,ki emi so fun Mohammed ,eni ti ko care boya o re mi abi ko re mi?"(Me ke? I should tell Mohammed? Someone that doesn't even care if I'm sick or not?)
"Mummy o da PE moti loyun" ( mom I think am pregnant)
"Eh she looto?? Alhamdulillah Mo tun ti di grandma eleketa..*smiling* (Ehn for real? Alhamdulillah am now a grandma for the third time)..

Then she saw my sad look and was shocked to see tears already forming in my eyes.." Ki lo she e?( what's wrong with u),
"Mummy Mohammed o care ni pami,odabi PE mi o exist ni( Mom it's like am not existing in Mohammed's life, he doesn't care about me)

Tears were already finding their way down my cheeks when I began to talk,I was sobbing so hard and couldn't control myself..I then explained to her what happened in the morning, I was shocked to hear what my mother said,

she said " boya o ti she tele abi she o daana kale fun abi?,ni tori omo daada ni oko re fa,o Mo itoju iya oko she daada..o ra oyin ati awon food stuff wa die pelu owo lo fi le fa..o wa n sope ki she omo daada?? Haba beru olorun fa Zainab..oti gabgbe PE ohun Loma n ra obe wa sile fun yin,o ma ra efo,ata ati gbogbo re?? Okunrin melo ni oun she iru eh?? Zainab lo tun iwa owo ara eh she..(maybe you have offended him before or you didn't cook for him abi? Because your husband is a great man fa,he knows how to take good care of his in laws..he brought honey and some food stuffs and even included some money fa..u are now saying that he's not a good guy? Haba fear God fa Zainab.. Have u forgotten he's the one that buys pepper,vegetables and the rest in that house? How many guys can do that?? Zainab go and change your ways towards your husband)

*Typical African mom's thinking, is pepper,veg and all other food stuff the only thing that makes up a happy marriage,what about communication, romance and trust? Hmmm When am not a glutton nitori olorun, sighs*

I sobbed even harder after realising my own mother was taking sides with that chamaeleon, God where have i gone wrong? My own mother doesn't even believe me,pls ya Allah take away this hurt am feeling right now I murmured..ok moti gbo MA( I have heard mom)..she smiled immediately I said that..she told me to go ask for my husband's forgiveness that I have most probably annoyed or offended him in some way..

*Did I forget to tell you my mom sings praises of my husband all the time even when he's wrong,she's always supporting him and I'm beginning to think she prefers him to me just because he's her best friend's son,their relationship back in those days before his mother died was too deep,they did almost everything together and visited each other's house everyday 😟,well that's a story for another day as you proceed*

We gisted about some other things,how the country's economy is improving,how the boko haram members were captured and finally about small history *my mom's love story*,she told me alot of things concerning her marriage and advised that I remain humble to that chamaeleon. After some hours I helped her to do some house chores and then cooked her lunch and dinner for her ,I checked my wristwatch and I realised it was time for zuhr (afternoon prayer),I took my time to pray and then made my duas *ur all know my main prayer*😩

Around 2:40pm I bade her goodbye and left her to pick my kids at school, I boarded a taxi and off I went ,by the time we got home it was 3:30pm ,my kids told me they were hungry and I bought them ice cream and meat pie at a nearby eatery..I helped my kids to do their homework and then we prayed Asr together...It was around 5:30pm I decided to prepare dinner and by 6pm it was ready and we ate..Later we prayed magrib and isha wen the time was due and I took my kids to bed,while I waited for my husband to return.

Around 1am,I heard a loud bang on the door I was startled and afraid because the noise woke me up from my slumber,I checked the time and headed towards the living room to open the door before...............

Asalamualaikum waramatullah wabarakatuh dear readers,Alhamdulillah for another chapter.What do you think is about to happen?.Do you have any idea to share about the story ,don't forget to vote,comment and share👍..Do you like the way the story is or u av a better idea?.I think I need some help with my story cover??anyone??.Jazakhillah khairan as you read,first comment gets a dedication..

Yours lovingly,
Au revoir🙏😎

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