Chapter 9 (self pity)...

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Zainab's POV
I heard someone's familiar voice faintly talking about a miscarriage or so. I wanted to see who it was but my eyes won't just budge,they were too weak to open up. After being very patient and careful,I was able to see Muhammad. I asked him what was wrong ,he said nothing but I saw those twitches which meant he was lying.. He later confessed and told me the truth..

I was dead for a moment, How could I have killed my child out of carelessness?.What was I thinking by stressing myself so much? I should have simply allowed that harlot to see my husband!!.. Subhanallah I am a wicked mother!!!...I hate you zee!! I hate you so much!!! You are a murderer zee!!! You are a murderer!!! My inner voices were shouting, I couldn't help but to scream out pains!! But I began to feel dizzy and everything went blank...


I stood there watching the doctors trying their best to help the situation, they were too busy to even notice I was at the door. I saw my wife gasping and her chest rose with so much force and it was like a weak-strong breathing 😢.. I felt responsible for all that has happened, how could I have said the news just like that,that's so mean..Ya Allah I should have at least waited till she recovered but it's not my fault that she knows me so well that she noticed the twitches that's a natural thing that happens whenever I'm tensed or pretending....

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and I was asked to see the doctor in his office, I rushed in and he told me to sit but I refused,

"Please doctor,tell me she's alright or what's wrong?? I'm going crazy for God's sake ,say something doc!!!!" I said shouting at him.

Instead he looked at me and said,

"What did you tell your wife?"

"I didn't tell her anything"

"That's a lie Mr whatever you call yourself, do you even know how dangerous the situation is? Do you know how much trauma she's going through?, do you even care about her health? I simply allowed you in because you insisted and besides because you are her spouse Mr whatever you call yourself....."

"Well it's not my fault doc, I had to tell her truth ,she kept asking me questions and I was forced to answer!!" I shouted...

"Well congratulations sir,you have only added fire to the flames sir!! Now she has a very high blood pressure, her breathing is worse and she's unconscious.. All thanks to you sir!!" He said sarcastically..

"What??!!! Is that how much pain I have caused her?? Hope she's not going to die?? Am ready to pay anything, do anything!! Just make sure she doesn't die!!!!,she's all I have doc!!! She's my everything, my family my all!!!! Please!!!" I said crying out loud..

He gave me a pitiful look and said,

"She's going to be fine but everything is in the Almighty's hands,we can only try our best but please try not to enter her room till I ask you to do so" He said as he patted my shoulder.

Subhanallah!!! What have I done?? Am I this careless,irresponsible and useless??!! God how I wish I could turn back the hands of time!!

I went back to the reception to see my kids and I found out that they had slept off on the chair ,they looked so innocent. I took them home and woke them up for dinner but they were too sleepy to even answer me..They murmured some rubbish and was sleepwalking towards the toilet, I had to run after them because they could actually fall with the kind of tiles in the toilet. I helped them to their rooms and watched over them all through the night..

It was in the midnight I realised my trouser was wet, I stood up and checked everywhere only to discover that my son had bed wetted..OMG!!! WTH!!! how can this stupid boy at his age do this?? He has just ruined my dress..God this place stinks!! "Hmmmmmm!!!" I said as I covered my nose..

So my boy bed wets??😬!! Is this a form of joke?? God!! Could this be the reason why Zainab checks on the kids every night??😕. I just have to change my dress and head to my room.. Enough is enough!!! I have had enough!!! I said out loud..

After having a warm shower,I changed it into my pyjamas and slept off in my room..I called zainab's mom and explained everything to her except the harlot's scenario.. She promised to take care of the kids while I look after Zainab. When I woke up i saw a text from the doctor and I opened my inbox only for me to discover that Zainab is now conscious!!. Alhamdulillah robbil alamin..I said as I entered my car,I was so excited..I rushed into the hospital and went straight to her room ,ignoring all what the doctor has said.

Immediately she saw me ,she adjusted her sleeping posture and faced the wall. I knew she was still angry and I'm truly sorry for everything that happened.. I moved closer to her and said

"Zee pls I'm sorry for whatever happened,I know it's my fault but believe me I didn't give her our address"

After a long silence,

"Please say something zee,please"

"Get out"

"What??!!!,why??, what happened??!!,at least I have come to apologise" I said sobbing..

"Leave now Muhammad or I will start screaming and call people's attention"

"Please do not do this to me zee!! Please" I said rubbing my hands together pleadingly.

"You have not done anything but please I need my space Muhammad"

"Zee please!!!"

"I regret the day I followed you to the mosque for nikkah, you are a nightmare dressed like a daydream Mohammed!!, I wish you never existed in my life,If only marriage isn't a compulsion, if only I didn't see that harlot,I was hoping to surprise you with the news Muhammad, you have ruined everything !!!" I said amidst screams and tears...

" what?? How can you say that zee? I am sorry!!" I said apologetically

"I'm sorry too Muhammad!! But please get out of my sight!!" I shouted at him..

My heart bled and was shattered.. I was helpless and sad..I quickly walked out of her room to avoid attention and embarrassment. I went straight to the club and drank to stupor,I hated myself and her words keeps playing in my head,it's all my fault.. May God punish that stupid girl that caused all this...
I was too embarrassed and sad and so I kept drinking and crying for days, I was wallowing in my own pain.. And finally my zee agreed to come home before......... ...........

Asalamualaikum waramatullah wabarakatuh wabarakatuh dear readers, am so sorry I t took me so long to update,we have just resumed in school and the notes are bulky😉😝😝 and there isn't enough time to update the story but trust me I will sort it out..Don't forget to vote,comment and share..
Yours lovingly,
Au revoir✌✌

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