Chapter 6..(Naughty me!!)

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I woke up that morning with a terrible headache and I couldn't move because the pain was too intense.. I held my head and screamed for help. I called out to Zainab and after a while she entered the room panting,I knew she must have ran downstairs after hearing my screams,OMG she's just so caring but I was filled with guilt after remembering yesterday morning's incident..

"Zainab please help me,I think my head is about to explode, I'm in pains.. Please please I beg of you Zainab please"

"Ok,just wait right there while I check for some drugs, please Muhammad just be patient"

"Ok zee,please don't be long ,I don't know if I can endure it any longer"


I ran upstairs searching my room for paracetamol but I just couldn't place my hands on it, I guess it's my unlucky day.. The room was upside down as I have searched everywhere until I checked my handbag where I found it in between my notebook.

I felt like destroying the sachet because I was already frustrated but then I remembered that chameleon's scream..

I ran downstairs to give him the drug when I remembered there is no drinking water in his room..oh God why me??😢.. I ran to the kitchen to get some water after which I kept a bottle water,a cup and the drug in a tray and was running towards his room, when I suddenly heard him screaming and hitting his hands on something...My heart raced faster as I increased my pace,on getting to his room I saw him forcefully puking and hitting the wall..I helped him to rub his back while he did his thing, I gave him some water,he sprinkled some on his face and washed his mouth.

I then helped him to his bed and after a while I gave him the paracetamol to use while I went to prepare his breakfast.. I then served him his breakfast *bread,egg and tea"..Alhamdulillah I told him to rest his head on my lap and unbelievably he did while I patted his back and played with his curly hair..Not long after that he slept off ,I just couldn't help but to stare at his handsome face, I was so lost in thought...


"This new student will be joining you guys to write his final exams ,his name is Mohammed Abdullahi, I hope you will be nice to him and make his stay memorable for him" said the principal.

"Yes MA" we all chorused.

*I think I have seen him somewhere, he looks like someone I know,well who knows I might be wrong* I thought..

We all returned to our various classes when suddenly someone walked up to me and said "hi".. I turned only to find out it was the new guy..God ,what does he want from me?..My friends excused us and they giggled as they left for the classroom..*what crazy friends I have*

" ehmmm,my name is Muhammed Abdullahi and you are??"

"Zainab Abdulalim"

"Nice to meet you"

"Same here zee"..

I looked up only to see him blushing, I was blown away by my new nickname,his voice, his smile and cute face,I don't know what I have for men's hair but I love his curly hair..Suddenly I realised I was staring at him the whole time and that I have walked past my class, OMG I was so embarrassed and walked quickly to my seat,I brought out my book and used it to cover my face, OMG what just happened back there? I guess he's laughing at me right now,I must have looked so cheap,like seriously zee what's wrong with you,why didn't you take your eyes off him till he noticed...

I looked back only to discover he is my new neighbour, he was sitting behind me and to make it worse he was grinning.. OMG I so much hate you zee for this..

Throughout that day,I tried so hard to avoid him,even though he tried so hard to talk to me and thankfully school finally came to an end...

I went home feeling so relieved he is so out of my sight *at least for now*,am so sorry I think alot😜..I went straight to my room and walked to my mirror stand,I checked out myself in my school uniform.

I'm not looking that bad and besides I look beautiful 😄,I tried to recall what I must have looked like while smiling at him,oh no I look like a clown I said while staring at the mirror, I then sat on my bed and used my pillow to cover my face I'm so embarrassed right now,I think the best thing is to stay away from him for a while...

I changed into a simple dress,a short gown since my brother is away from home the house is like a girl's hostel,we are free to wear anything except when we have visitors or when my bro is at home but thank God I can be free and enjoy the cool breeze today.. I was about to watch a movie when I remembered I haven't prayed Asr, I changed into my abaya and wore my hijab ,made wudhu and prayed...

Suddenly I heard "Asalamualaikum waramatullah wabarakatuh"

"Walaiykum salam waramatullah wabarakatuh"

I looked up only to find out my mom's best Friend is here with a guy or a boy in his teens😧..

The two friends exchanged greetings and I had no choice but to greet her when suddenly I saw the new guy..I was taking aback and couldn't talk until my mom's best friend MRS NAFISAH ABDULLAHI said..

"This is my son,Muhammad meet Zainab... Zainab meet Muhammad"


"Walaiykum salam waramatullah wabarakatuh"

"I'm Sure you too must have met today in school"

"Yes MA" ,we chorused..

I was too shy to say anything, it was as if the house was spinning I was feeling dizzy, OMG what is he doing here?? He's Mrs NAFISAH'S son??Then I must have seen him around the neighbourhood.. No wonder it was like deh javu in school today..oh no why is he smiling again?? Is he mocking me or what??...

"Please Zainab, I want you to serve them chilled water and then prepare amala for them"

"Yes mom" I said rolling my eyes ,though she didn't see me coz if she did I should know I'm dead,** it's not like I don't like them,it's just that I am not too comfortable whenever a visitor is around,I'm always too conscious of everything because I trust my mom any mistake and you are in trouble, for days you will be verbally abused and compared to anyone even to a seven years old child! till you change for good,so because of that I hate visitors**

After spending an hour to get everything ready,I served the meal and told them to come to dining room.. Well I trust myself *amope olowo sibi*😉,they enjoyed their meal and kept complimenting me about the food, I talked with Muhammad alil and then enjoyed mom's conversation till evening when they decided to leave..

Urgh good riddance, not like I didn't enjoy their company of course I did but thank God Muhammad left already🙏...

I prepared dinner,washed the dishes,prayed magrib and then we had dinner later we prayed isha and we all went to our rooms to sleep..On getting to my bed,I remembered the last part of my debate which I should have said last week but i forgot and because that i had a lower score, oh no how I wish I could turn back the hands of time😡..I recited suratul nas,suratul falaq and drifted off to the dreamland😴.....

Asalamualaikum waramatullah wabarakatuh dear readers, pls don't forget to vote ,comment and share..sorry but the character thinks alot😝😝😝..should I write Muhammad's POV or we should move on?,I need your comments 🙏,those words are in my language "Yoruba"😯 so you can ask me for the meaning😊

Yours lovingly,
Au revoir✌✌

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