Chapter 20 (Dinner)..

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Mohammed's POV.
I left the class feeling very sad and rejected even though I know it's not Zee's fault.. I should have known better that she doesn't like stuffs like that and besides what was i thinking? It's haram  would I like it if someone did that to my sister? What I did is equivalent to someone drilling my head with a nail says the Prophet Muhammed (SAW). But I love her,how I can rectify my mistake? How I wish I could marry her this instant but that's very impossible, I have nothing and besides my parents will never agree to early marriage. Ya Allah help me. This night I must try to pray and do istikhar about it I thought before I said my prayers,recited suratul Nas,Falaq and Ayatul kursiyuh three times each before saying Lahillah illahlah Muhammadan rasulillah sallahlahu alaehi wasalam (There's no god except Allah and Mohammed *pbuh* His messenger). *The reason for the shaadah is because should in case one says it before sleeping and never wakes up that is DIE!.

Zainab's POV.
I haven't been able to forgive myself since that little drama happened. I went home feeling bad after that zina,I went home,prayed 2 rakah and wept while seeking for forgiveness but all the same I felt bad for Muhammad because he is just naive and I know he loves me but hmmmm.... OK no more over thinking of stuffs zee!!. Emotions can be difficult at times you know..I'm just tired even though i love him. No wonder Allah isn't in support of haram relationship, Allah knows the consequence of such,the saddness,the disappointments and all. Allah akhbar i said as i thought about it but all the same i have to pray and do istikhar about it if i really love him and want Allah's guidance about it. I wished myself a happy birthday,prayed isha and then recited suratul Nas,falaq and ayatul kursiyu before I started thinking about today's event and then I fell asleep.

Dinner day...

Zainab's POV...
I woke up only to see a message from Muhammad apologizing and all of that. Immediately I saw him write Zee,my heart ceased and it melted like margarine on fire.I felt butterflies in my belly and lost my balance for some seconds,I really don't know why I love him calling me ZEE,it makes me smile and blush like a crazy teenager that I am and that was how i instantly forgot everything about yesterday's incidence,all the leftover anger I felt for him turned to love.. I guess i just love him too much,my eyes are now swollen due to yesternight's vigil. Kai Muhammad's issue is just too into my head. Thank God all of this is after my exams if not zee would you have even passed at all? God you are a deep lover!!!.. Subhanallah zee don't start your wild thoughts,get up now and pray subh my inner voices were warning.. So I got up after the count of ten,performed my ablution and then prayed.

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