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"You can as well kill yourself Murphy coz you're the one".

And with that I ran up the stairs and quickly locked the door before he could catch up with me...

Zee's POV...
After dropping the kids off at my mother's place,I got confused about what to wear.
"What would Murphy love to see me wear?. What's his favourite colour?. Hmmmm haaaa this is so hard to choose. A red gown,a top and a skirt or a Palazzo with a kimono??? Gosh!!! I don't have anything to wear. I need to change my wardrobe 🙄".

"Hmm okay it's just 7pm,I have 1 hour to dress up. Okay let me pray and then start with my make up". After magrib, I began to apply my foundation,then concealer,drew my brows,lined my eyes,applied my mascara and finally my lipstick. I made sure everything blended as I wanted to have a fierce, daring look. A quick glance at the mirror said I looked ravishing. Now to the main thing that wants to make me cry. "God,these days I've been so overly emotional,all thanks to these hormones flying about and ruining my mood😪. Damn you silly hormones, damn the life of a girl😪".

I decided to wear the red gown as I felt it's a little more comfortable and besides Murphy loves me on red,so why not give it a try?. I wore my black heels ,wrapped my scarf around my head ,took my cute purse and took a last glance to be perfectly sure.

"Now the problem is how do I face Murphy?,do I scare him or wait till he calls out my name?, I'd rather wait for him to call me out. So I'll rather buy myself some time to arrange the messed up room".

15mins later,
"Zee!,zee baby!!, Zainab!!!".

"Yessss hon,I'm on my way".

Immediately I began to walk down the stairs,I changed my walking step and swung my hips as I walked. I don't even know why but I just want to mess with his thoughts this night. Immediately he saw me, his eyes lit up and he didn't realize his mouth was open until I got to his side and said...

"Hey baby,I'm here now".

"Subhanallah!!!. Wallahi babe you look beautiful,you really look Masha Allah. Red looks hot on you. You look really sexy. Oh sorry babe, sorry about my rantings but wallahi I can't help it. Seeing you today makes me so happy and alhamdulilllah I made the decision years ago".

And with that he grabbed my hand,kissed my knuckles and kissed my forehead before sealing my lips with his. At that point, I could feel the butterflies in my tummy. The feelings were so intense that I felt alil contraction in my tummy😂 and I pulled away and walked towards his car with my cheeks as red as a tomato..

After about 30mins drive, we arrived at a place,from the decor to the lightning it seemed more like a restaurant and not long after that did Murphy say...

"Welcome to la cuisine,it's a new restaurant owned by one of my clients. I guess it's really beautiful and price friendly so I thought why not bring my beautiful princess to have a nice time".

"Awnnnnn,that's so sweet of you. Did I mention you look strange?".

"Like strange as in bad?,is my outfit terrible, subhanallah you should have told me. Zee haba!!!".

"Chill johr,I was just talking about your hair. I love your hair style. It looks so neat,cute and adorable. I love your moustache too😘. Besides your smell is to die-for".

"Come here babe". With that I quickly stole a kiss from her and gave her knuckles a kiss again.

"Good evening sir and madam,what would you like to eat?,have you checked the menu sir?".

I felt provoked by the tone at which she was talking to my habiby, why would she be giving body language and talking to him with such sexy voice?. Chai if I catch her ehn. She'll regret ever greeting him. Mtchewwww..

I didn't even realize Murphy has been called my name since,my thought has been clouded with jealousy that I didn't hear him speak. It was until he shook me,I came back to reality.

"Oh sorry babes,what did you say?,what happened?, Have you picked your order?"..

"Baby is everything okay?. Don't you like this restaurant?. We can leave if you're not okay with it."

"No it's okay. I just got alil jealous when she was looking at you in a stupid manner. "

"Really? Zee!! So you do get jealous but you just like to form hard lady😂."

"Kai na, laughing isn't going to help the situation here 🤨,you need to set her straight".

"Okay fine,I will once she's back. Chill boo".

"Sir your order is here😍😘😋".

Murphy's POV

"Have you asked my wife what she wants to eat?." I asked with a stern face."If not please do the needful and stop wasting our time and please can you stop staring?!. it's making me uncomfortable. Thank you".

Zee's inner thought***

Inside me,I was like wow!!!. Murphy I love youuuuuuuuuuuu!. I didn't even know he heard it until he said "I love you too" in form a whisper.. Oh my God what have you done to me???🤦. I was so embarrassed that I had to use the menu to cover my face..

Murphy's POV...

With that she left and never looked back. It was until 15mins after,a guy came to deliver our order and with that I gave out a relieving sigh. I don't know why but I was stealing glances at my wife. But after eating, I noticed most of the men around were oggling at my wife and I wasn't comfortable with it so I told zee to hurry up so we could leave the place...

After we left the restaurant,I decided to take her to water view so we would have a nice time and if the time was far gone,we would sleep in an hotel.

After about 40mins drive,we got to the water view. All thanks to my brain that told me to get her something more comfortable to wear. Mind you I had the dress since but I don't even know why I never gave it to her. So immediately we got there she asked what my plan was and I told her we were just going to have a nice night walk and hang out and since I knew how much she loves nature ,we just sit,watch a movie and enjoy each other's company till God knows when and so I gave her the gown I bought and she squealed,she gave me a get out look and I asked why? Really zee?! After all these years you're still shy to change in front of me😁🤭😉 but instead of answering she shrugged and started pleading while battling her long lashes at me. Oh God! She knows me too well. So I decided to give her some space by outside the car by the door...

Suddenly she ran up to me and hugged me like a little girl who was just given a candy. This girl will always be my baby🤭. We stole a peck, interlocked our fingers and walked to a spot close to the water ..

We sat on the mat and we ordered for a simple dessert. A cake,pop corn, and a fruit wine... Then I brought out my blanket and laptop. We argued on what to watch but finally decided to watch "the crazy rich Asian family" because of my wife's insistence. So after watching and enjoying the movie with popcorn and wine. We decided to take a walk around the water view, we shared our thoughts where I still mentioned my interest in politics. I saw the change in her facial expression and I know deep down she hasn't accepted my new interest. So when we got to a nice spot,I pulled her suddenly for a hug and told her how much I love her and miss her.

I didn't know I have pressed the wrong button until I heard her sob. I was scared at first but I hugged her even tighter and we were like that for a while before I sealed our lips and I didn't even wait to catch my breath before she whispered " let's go home".....


Asalamualaikum waramatullah wabarakatuh my beautiful and handsome readers, I'm so sorry for going MIA. I was actually out of ideas and school was 😪 so I'm so sorry... How many of us loves Murphy just the way he is?. Isn't he becoming every girl's dream?. I love Murphy like this. See you soon..
In Shaa Allah 💖💖💖💖...

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