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"I think few days ago when you were not around..."

"Ehn ehn what happened?"

"Mr Abdullahi you need to calm down please. Take it easy. I want you to be strong ok?"

"Please tell me are they sick?😭😭😭"

"No but....."

"But what?"

"Your wife and kids are......... .."

"What's wrong with them? Please tell me.."

"There was an accident,a fire accident and only your wife went into coma though no one sustained burns but she broke her arm while trying to escape with your kids".

"Alhamdulilllah, but please where are they?"

"They are at Grace hospital"

"And where's that?"

"It's down the road,just after F division"

"Thank you, jazakhallah khairan" I began to run to the junction as I could not mutter the courage to drive myself there.

Immediately I got there,I went straight to the reception and I was referred to the ICU. I saw my zee looking so vulnerable and weak. She was lying unconscious. I went straight to her bedside and held her hand tightly. I'm never going to let go. Not at this time. Not for a second. Please just hang in there and heal on time. I miss your smile zee. I came home to share the good news with you my love. Zee we got the contract dear. Mr indimi handed the case over to me. Do you know we are millionaires?. He gave me 3 freaking million Naira. And that's just the beginning, he's going to give us more if everything goes well and we win this case. I poured out my heart with so much delight, forgetting about the problem on ground.

Just then I realized I do not even know my children's whereabout,so I decided to call Zee's mom to ask whether they were with her. Immediately she picked up and I greeted her and she said..

"Asalamualaikum my son,haba where have you been? I called you but your number wasn't available. I am just about to see Zainab at the hospital,do you even know where she is?. She's at Grace hospital. She's unconscious though. I think I heard her sob in between her talks. "

"Yes mum, I just got back from the hospital. Thank you so much ma. Jazakhillah khairan, please ma,is Hakeem and Aminah with you?"

"Haba sure. Of course they are my grandchildren,they are with me. They are safe. The only thing they keep saying is that they want to see their mom that's all".

"Hmmm alhamdulilllah". I was indeed grateful for everything.

"I'll call you back ma" I quickly added as I do not know what to say again. I went back to the reception and asked to see the doctor. Immediately I knocked his door,he said"come in".

Seeing his beard I said,
"Asalamualaikum doctor"

"Walaiykum salaam waramatullah wabarakatuh and how may I help you?"

"I'm Mr Abdullahi and my wife is at the ICU. I just got back from a trip and I was told there was a fire accident. Doc please I'll like to know her condition,pleaseeee" intentionally stressing the 'please'.

"You see Mr Abdullahi your wife's condition is greatly improving and she's responding to treatment, the only thing giving us concern is her loss of consciousness. I think by now, she's supposed to be awake but as God will have it, she's still unconscious but I believe in Shaa Allah she'll be fine. Another thing is her broken arm, please sir once she's conscious,she needs alot of rest and if possible should be exempted from house chores for a long while though I'll recommend a physiotherapist that will help her heal faster. In Shaa Allah she'll be fine 😊"

"Thank you so much doctor, jazakhallah khairan doc. May almighty Allah continue to bless you. Thank you once again,I'm very grateful".

"You are welcome Mr Abdullahi".

And with that good news,I left his office to check on my zee once again. She was still unconscious 😣. But all the same I'm not giving up on us zee,not ever. Ok fine I am agreeing to your job hunting,you can be a nurse and do whatever you want but please I need you to wake up, remember the day I confessed my feelings to you? I meant every word I said. I promised to always be there for you. I promised to be your husband and your keeper. Even though I know I haven't been trying as a husband, forgive me zee. Just wake up and let me see your smile again. Please will you do that for me?" And with that a tear managed to escape my eye and fell on her hand. With that tears kept rolling and I didn't even bother to stop it from falling. After about 25mins of a deep nap,I had a dream that zee held my hand and cupped my cheeks and gave me a breathtaking peck at the corner of my lips,on my neck and  my forehead after which she told me "she's alright".

Suddenly I felt a jolt and instantly I woke up to see a moaning zee,even though her eyes were closed,some tears had managed to escape. Even though she was just beginning to have consciousness,she was muttering some words I could not understand as her voice was too low. I smiled and ran to the doctor's office to inform him of what was going on. Immediately he got his team and they followed me,she was still finding it hard to open her eyes but she kept repeating some words, probably she's reciting some prayers😓 but  suddenly she began to shout and scream like she's at a funeral. She kept saying "my kids, where's Hakeem? Aminah please don't leave me,nooooooooo. Baba don't leave me too. Stay with me Baba. Please Baba!!!". Immediately she was given her an injection as her BP was already rising and with that she calmed down and went into a peaceful slumber.

After 5 hours,I felt a hand on my head and I woke up to see zee smiling at me. What? Is this for real? Zee you're awake? What happened? Subhanallah! Walhamdulillah!😢. .I didn't even realize when I gave her a bone crushing hug,it was until she said "yesh" that I had to let go. I ran to the doctor's office again. I guess that man must be tired of our family already😂. But all the same,he followed me and smiled when he saw her sitting quietly on the bed.  He examined her and wrote down some stuffs. Alhamdulilllah was the only thing I kept saying.

After a while he left us alone and I engulfed her in a hug again as I have missed her so much. I inhaled every bit of her smell oh my lord how much I have missed them.

"Mohammed when did you get back?" She said with teary eyes.

"I got back few days after the fire accident,I've missed you zee"😣. I replied while kissing her knuckles.

"I'm so sorry Mohammed,I really do not know what caused the fire,I really am so.......".

That was all she could say before I captured her lips in eternal bliss,I showed her every emotion that I felt in my heart. The kiss was my way of apologising for everything. It was gentle,fierce and soothing at the same time. I was delighted when I felt zee reciprocate her love through the amazing kiss.  I couldn't stop myself until I heard someone say "hmmmmm".

Asalamualaikum babies,who loves this chappie?🤩 I love it too. I guess it's the first time we are witnessing their love live and direct😁. Stay tuned for more updates. Please do not give up on me.😓. Let's make this story no 1 on spiritual books. I know you are tired of my excuses but please do not give up on me yet. Love you too ♥️.bye🌺.

Dizza99 🌹

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