Chapter 2 (Negligence)..

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Dedicated toTdarey 🙏

One cold morning,

Zainab's POV
I started feeling strange cramps and was nauseous again,*the second time tonight*,I looked at my wrist watch which was on a side table beside my bed,I realised it was just 4:30am. I tried to control the nauseous feeling but I started feeling weak and dizzy,when I couldn't control it any longer,I ran to the toilet and threw up all I had in my stomach,I called out to my husband "Mohammed, Mohammed" but no one answered me...

I guess he was deeply asleep and besides how could I have forgotten our rooms were separate. "Hmmmmmm" I groaned, as another nauseous feeling took over and after some minutes I felt better and then sprinkled some water on my face and brushed my teeth..I then checked the time and realised I had missed fajr (early morning prayer) so I decided to pray subh(morning prayer),I made wudhu(ablution) and laid my praying mat and silently I did my prayers,at a point I couldn't hold back my tears and I was sobbing..

I thought "how can I have a husband who doesn't even care about his wife and kids,despite my callings he was deeply asleep and didn't even budge and I didn't even hear any sound of someone approaching my room,what if I was dieing and needed some help,Ya Allah please help me to change my husband's behaviour towards me,I don't know where or how I've gone wrong but please ya Allah forgive my sins and shortcomings and forgive my husband for all his wrong doings" I cried silently with no one to comfort me but Allah..

I didn't even realise I had slept off until I heard a voice shouting "where is my food,where's my breakfast for God's sake,I am hungry Zainab Zainab,where's my food?"..

*Did I forget to tell you my husband likes to nag and it's so tiring 😩*.I woke up realising it was Mohammed's angry voice.. I rushed to the dining room only to see him pacing up and down and fuming with anger. He then faced me and said " Zainab for Allah's sake,give me my food or is there no breakfast so I can sort myself out elsewhere ". I tried to explain but I couldn't because I was feeling weak and nauseous again,I ran to the toilet and he stood there staring at me with disgust before he stormed out of the house..

*Did I also forget to tell you my husband is a lawyer and I'm a full housewife,he loves to argue and he finds joy in arguing with me even if he knows he's wrong and he's so much of an egoist,let me stop because I know you will get to know him more as you proceed 😩*

I looked at myself and my reflection looked really terrible, I have grown so lean and I had big eye bags and looked so unkempt. " how could he just leave me without caring or asking what was wrong with me,at least he must have seen how sick I looked but he just didn't care"..I cried asking Allah where I have gone wrong and I quickly said astagfirllah as I realised it was wrong to question God as HE knows best and so I summoned some courage and gathered some strength to have my bath,then I picked my black abaya with a pink veil,tying it around my head with a cute pink pin which made my dressing complete,I dabbed in a little bit of of sleek powder and alil bit of lipgloss and then I woke up my lovely kids- Aminah and Hakeem to pray while I made their favourite breakfast *indomie and egg as my children fondly called it*..

I smiled as I remembered my kids smile and that they are source of my strength,happiness and courage and I need to be there for them anytime...After their breakfast I dressed them up for school and packed their lunch boxes, I rushed out to board a taxi to take my kids to school as I do not have a car and after dropping them off ,I bade them goodbye as I decided to head to my mother's house to spend some time with her....

Mohammed's POV...
I heard a lady screaming out my name and at first I decided to help out but decided not to bother when suddenly everywhere became silent. I was scared of what might have happened to Zainab but I just couldn't rush to meet her to ask her what happened, that would look like she was my weakness and that I cared about her..

An hour later still I didn't hear any sound from her and since my stomach was making some horrible noise,I decided to call out to Zainab to get my food and as I got to the dining room I saw her rush out to me and suddenly I saw her lean body and her swollen face but I decided to ignore that tiny little conscience of mine that felt pity and concern for her,I wanted to ask her "what was wrong" but I don't know why I keep holding back all the time so instead I shouted "Zainab where's my food for Allah's sake?, I'm so hungry Zainab where's my food for God's sake or is there no breakfast so I can sort myself out elsewhere"..

I knew that statement would hurt her but I just didn't care,I just wanted her to talk and argue with me that morning because I know there's freedom of speech and expression bit instead she ran towards the toilet and held her lips as if she was trying to hold back a vomit,I felt disgusted by her horrible look and since she couldn't talk to me I decided to walk out of the house and so I entered my yellow sports car ,ignited the car and zoomed off to my favourite restaurant(Iya Yusuf restaurant)..

Asalamualaikum waramatullah wabarakatuh Dear readers ,what do u think must have caused the havoc between Mohammed and Zainab?Why does Mohammed like to torment Zainab?What did Zainab discuss with her mom?? Could her mother help her in a situation like this?? What would her mother's reaction be like??Would she be furious?? I hope I did not leave you in a confused mode😋.
Alhamdulillah for the completion of this chapter, I don't even know where the ideas are coming from but I hope I tried to an extent, please and pls I would want u to vote, comment and share👍..This is my first chapter and I would want you to pardon my grammatical errors because no one is perfect.. Jazakhillah khairan as you add to your reading list...
Thank you for reading. In shaa Allah my next chapter will be dedicated to the first person to comment😎

Yours lovingly,
Au revoir🙏🙏

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