Chapter 21 (Trying times)..

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Zainab's POV

I heard a beep from my phone and I decided to check the message this stupid service providers won't allow one's phone to rest.. Mtchewww... Lotto ko,lotto ni,I don't know if anyone has told them its so annoying..

Salamah said, breaking me from my thoughts..

"But I thought you told me one time you would love to marry early,why is that? And around what age?"

"Well I said that because 1. It's sunnah 2. I would love to be with that man Allah has ordained for me 3. Health wise, marrying early reduces the risk of infertility and cancer 4. If everyone is doing that, it will reduce the rate of zina,abortion,prostitution. Well as for age I don't mind getting married 22,23 once I'm done with NYSC and in shaa Allah I've a good job,please my sister what next if not marriage?."

"Hmmmm,it's easier said than done. Due to stories I've heard,as for me I will enjoy my single life very well before I think of committing myself to any man. That thing is a mini bondage fa. You can't go out as you like,you always have to put your husband and your Kids first before yourself" salamah said.

"But salamah do you know how high Allah has placed women ,jannah lies at the feet of mothers fa,as a daughter her parents can attain jannah through her,as a wife she completes half of her husband's deen and do you know how much women are to be cared for? Allah (swt) named a whole surah An-nisah. Do you know what that means? Allah described the pain of childbearing as the crushing of 58 bones all at the same time,meaning HE knows the pain and strength of women. Women are meant to be a pillar of support for their husbands and not burden bearers as husbands nowadays are treating them. Even when some mothers realize their sons are dirty or irresponsible, the next thing they suggest is for such a man to get himself an innocent wife who will do all the domestic chores instead of training such a man to be a better man and a better husband. The only sunnah most men know is where men are permitted to marry more than one wife. Bunch of opportunists. .Fine I know the part of the world we are in and the Yoruba culture gives men the  upper hand and most men abuse that and treat their wives like slaves,they are made to work like camels and at the end there's no appreciation but what is the point of delaying something that can't be changed? You know this yourself,don't you?. All we'll pray for is that Allah makes our marriage a blessing and not a test. May we blessed with the fruit of the womb and a pious husband when the time is right. You do know that a woman is meant to get married after seeing her 2nd menstruation,the 3rd should be done in her husband's house right? Another problem is finding the right man,most ladies are forced into marriages that are against their wish and its haraam. Those that are not forced are married to the fathers of their babies due to compulsion maybe she got pregnant. Some even elope with their lovers,most engage in haraam relationships which is the cause of fitnah and zina but may Allah make it easy for us....

"Wow,zee wallahi you are very knowledgeable, now I can see the importance of over thinking lol. How did you know all these stuffs? and you are saying everything without even thinking twice just like a prepared speech. Wow! Masha Allah,there's hardly a day one won't gain something from you, I love you dear" salamah said after she pouted.

"Awnnn no homo sis but I love you too.. Too much research you know and that's why I said you should always make good use of the internet and download good stuffs and tafseers are good too you know".

"OK enough of the marriage stuff,let's talk celebrities"

"Hmmmmph, that's gossip you know" I said giving her a tongue out..

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