Chapter 8 (B°r°o°k°e°n 2)..

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I woke up feeling quite better,the heaviness was gone and I felt very comfortable in my own skin,but there was a loud noise coming from somewhere --something more like screams,I kept wondering what could be wrong..I rushed towards the direction of the scream and I saw someone lying on the floor almost lifeless..

I ran towards the body only to discover it was Zainab,for a moment i was speechless and dumbfounded then I looked up and saw Kylie almost in tears..

"What happened?, what did you do to my wife?"

"Your wife???!!" She said almost whispering,

"What are you doing here Kylie" I said shouting at her

"I came here to see you Mohammed"

"What for?"I said with anger,clenching Zainab in my arms..

"You said you would call me since yesternight but you didn't and i was so worried so I decided to check up on you since your address is with me"

"And who gave you my address?" I said angrily,

"Your friend"

"Who amongst them? ,I said who? Are you deaf?" I shouted

"Shuaib gave me your address"

"What?,is he crazy? Didn't he tell you I'm a married man?" I was filled with rage and I clenched my fists.

"You know what, let's put that aside,kindly open the door while I take my wife to the hospital,go and get the kids in their room" I said as I was visibly shaking..

OMG! I couldn't really feel her pulse because it was weak..please Zainab don't die yet,you are the best thing that has ever happened to me I said as I carried her towards my car..

I sped out of the house with my kids,I had instructed Kylie to go back home,I hope she did but she is the least of my worries, Zainab please hang in there for me!!!...As I increased the acceleration,my kids were already crying mummy please wake up,what is wrong with you mummy,please!!! Tears began to form in my eyes,I can't imagine my kids without their mom or me without my wife who would I argue with? God please keep her safe...

Immediately we got to the hospital, I carried her and was shouting for help till some nurses brought a stretcher and took her inside a room while I was told to wait outside..The nurses kept going in and out of the room and every time I asked them "how far?"..They would only nod..God what exactly is happening? Is she dead? Someone should please tell me what's going on?? But none responded.. After about an hour and half,the doctor came out sweating and told me to see him in his office.. His look was sort of scary, I had alot going through my mind..I told one of the nurses there to please look after my kids till I get back and then I followed the doctor to his office, on getting there he offered me a seat and he said..

" Mr....."

"Mohammed" I quickly added,

"What happened before you brought your wife to the hospital?"

"I was asleep ,didn't know what happened I woke up only to see her on the floor"

"Well I'm sorry to inform you Mr Mohammed....."

"What is it?,is she dead?"

"She lost her pregnancy"

"What??, how many weeks? Or is it months?"

"Her baby was 6 weeks old"

"But she never told me she was pregnant" I said amidst tears..

"She had a miscarriage due to the stress and shock she went through"

"Thank God you brought her here on time if not maybe she would have been dead because she has lost alot of blood and she's so weak right now and because of that she's using ehmmmm an oxygen mask to aid her breathing"

"She needs immediate blood transfusion and we need some cash to do that, so you can please see them at the pay point to pay for everything required"

"Innah lillah!!! but she never told me she was pregnant, how come?"

"I'm so sorry sir but you have to calm down so as to be able to do the needful,all she needs is alot of rest,your support and your care,her case was a bit complicated because she had lost alot of blood but thank God everything is under control"

"Thank you so much doctor" I said as I shook hands with him...

Getting outside,I walked fast to the reception to ask for the pay point and I was directed to the place,I made all the necessary payments and headed to the doctor's office to show him everything..

Then he told me to wait outside while he attends to my wife,so he went in with some nurses and they were in there for about 20 mins before they came out and assured me all is well..I then asked if I could see her and I was given the permission to...When I entered I saw her pale skin, she looked so lean and she had big eye bags..I cupped her cheek and gave a kiss on her lips,I then clasped her hand in mine while I let the tears flow freely..

I thought about the shock she must have gone through,what Kylie must have said to her..Ya Allah please forgive me!!!!..innah lillah ilaehi rajihun she lost our baby because of my carelessness.. May God punish Kylie kai..that girl is a witch..who knows how beautiful my baby would have looked after 8 months if any of this didn't happen..But why didn't Zainab tell me about her pregnancy? Was she planning on making it a surprise like she did for our girl?? Could that have been the reason why she looked sick the other day? Oh God from YOU we have come and to you we shall return...pls let her recover on time ya Allah, Mohammed you have just lost a child!!! Zainab had a miscarriage... I said to myself amidst tears and I was sobbing..

All of a sudden I heard someone saying

"Mohammed,what did you say happened to my baby?, why are you crying? Why are you talking to yourself? Mohammed talk to me, I'm your wife" she said softly.

"Nothing I'm alright,I'm perfectly fine,nothing is wrong with our baby"

"That's a lie,your eyes twitches whenever you are lying Mohammed, I have lost the baby right?"

"Zee, we lost our baby ,you had a miscarriage" I said kissing her palm..

"No,no this can not be!!!! No!!!! No!!!!! Tell me you are just joking !!! Nooooooo!!!!!!" She screamed and suddenly she stopped talking..

Then the machine connected to my wife was making a strange noise which I couldn't understand and I rushed outside to call for help,the doctor came running with his nurses and they asked me to stay outside which I didn't listen but instead was shouting at them to tell me what's wrong,I saw her pale face and how sunken her eyes were..Oh God what have I done again??..

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Yours lovingly
Au revoir✌✌
IG at   Edun_hadeezah..

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