Tsubaki x Reader

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Another request from @bbub14, they gave me a list to choose from for a modern AU and when I saw tsubaki's name I just HAD to do an idea that popped into my head!

Even though I'm not his biggest fan.

Modern AU

History class was your best class, you had a one hundred in this clas,s your only A. You were overjoyed when you started doing the high school unit of England on accent times. Back when there were knights and kingdoms and all sorts of monarchies. 

Of course you were ecstatic when the teacher said you had a project on making up your own kingdom and presenting it. Projects like these really made you remember middle school, but also in some bad ways. Like your old crush who happened to be in this class, Tsubaki. 

You used to love how he was always perfect and how he was always trying too hard, but he just became too show offish and liek he thought he was so much better than everyone else. Your revelation broke your own heart and he did too, talking to you. That one accident ruined your friendship and crush on the redheaded perfectionist.

You listen to the teacher intently, but your ears catch on to one specific detail. It was a group project. And he assigned partners. You internally groaned, you hated everyone in this class, and you really didnt want to work with anybody.

"Here are the groups: Selena, Odin, Laslow. Saizo, Kagerou, Kaze. Flora, Felicia, Jakob. Ryoma, Xander, Corrin. Camilla, Hinoka, Elise. Sakura, Beruka, Hinata. Oboro, Takumi, Leo. Niles, Effie, Arthur. Tsubaki And (Your name)."

He listed everyone in your class, but it's wasn't divisible by three so you were stuck with one person. The one person you did not want to be with. Tsubaki. You groan silently as everyone rearranged themselves and you were stuck in the corner you liked to be in with the redhead who used to have your heart.

"So, how do you want to do this, (Your name.)?"

You sigh, not wanting to talk to him at all. He really hurt you back then during the arguement. The big incident. You did not want to be stuck with him. You hated him. Butnyou kept yourself calm and as under control as possible, but that did not stop you from coming across as cold.

"I don't know, why don't you have a perfect plan of yours. Obviously it is surprerior to mine."

You huffed and looked the other way. You were sitting on the floor against the wall because it was comfortable, Tsubaki was in front of you white his back towards the rest of the room. He raised an eyebrow but shook it off, trying to ignore the fact that you just downgraded yourself.

"I wanted to see if you had any ideas that could possibly contribute to the kingdom."

You wouldn't dare meet his eyes, for if you did you woudl reveal the emotional mess you strived to keep hidden. The incident, all the pain he caused you. You would not relive it. YOu woudl not let flashbacks and memories consume you.

"Well, whatever I may have it wouldn't be perfect enough for you."

Your vocal chords were spitting out everyhting you said with such hate behind it. THis was so abnormal for you, so very, very abnormal.

"I see something wrong, (Your name)? You clearly aren't acting like yourself."

You still looked away into the wall to your side, staring down the narrow passageway that hadn't no human beginnings obstructing your view to the side of the door that's led out fo this room. For the first time in your life, you wanted history class to end.

"Like my normal self is enough."

"(Your name), don't fool around. We have a project to do and it is due exactly one week from now. At least trade emails with me so we can work at home."

You scoffed and handed him a tiny slip of paper you always Ah day a copy of in case you needed to give anyone your school email adress, not your personal. After you gave him the apparel he grabbed one for himself and wrote down all his contact information, in exceptional ephandwriting this tmade Your blood boil. Every sign letter was perfect, as I found it was typed up in the times new Roman font.

"Now, focus."


You both had your notebooks, you drew a sketch of a fortress to Ben used within the kingdom, perhaps part of the castle, you had exceptional artwork. You glanced over at Tsubaki's version of the same thing and it was so much better. In frustration to never compare, you tore out the page, crumpled it up, and threw it down the area with no people to the recycling bin next to the door.

Since the incident, you should know by no way you are never as good as him Andy never will be good enough. There was no need to try if Tsubaki was your partner. Whatever he said and did was perfect. And it Made you feel like nothing.

But you ahd to get through this project, then you could Be done with Tsubaki. 


Thinking of maybe doing a part two later on.

I'm ready for the comments to eat me alive.

Hey, maybe if asked I cannot make this into a whole new book!

Nah, not enough to write about. But amaybe I cannot create characters and write a book....



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