Dwyer x Reader

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You shivered to yourself in your private quarters. A blanket draped around you and Jakob had promised to grant you some war  tea. But you were pleasantly shocked when no more that three seconds later a knock was At the door.

"C-c-c-come I-I-in!"

You were so freezing, your toes felt like they were about to fall off and your fingers were numb and asleep. Your skin was almost blue! You look at the doorway to see Dwyer with a teat on his hand.

"Lady (Your name), care for some coffee?"

Jakob And Flora's son and the heir to butlerym Dwyer stood beside you and set the tray on the nightstand next to your bed, where you were trying to find warmth in your cape.

"You look dreadfully cold, Milady."

He felt your forehead woht the bakc of hsi hand, it was almost inhumanely cold. You smiled when he did so, for you both and a secret you kept for, the rest of the army for you feared it as being labeled as wrong and being separated. 

You and Dwyer were secretly wed.

"Please, my love. Wh-wh-when it is j-j-just us use m-m-my name."

HE smiled a warm smile that warmed your heart, but not your body. 

"As you wish, (Your name)."

He was leaning in, about to kiss you when you heard a knock at the door yet again. He grabs a blanket swiftly off the floor, for you had kicked it off in your sleep, and goes back to his sloth posture and face. You always wondered how he was able to change his aura so quickly. Either that or the side of him you and only you saw was one he kept hidden, just for you.

"Milady. I'm sorry that you ahd to deal with my dreadful son in your ill time. Dwyer, go help your mother or something."

"Yes father."

He dragged his feet more out in disappointment, and you wanted your secret and forbidden husband to stay. Then you suddenly felt very, very sick and a warm something rushign up your throat. You grabbed no the bucket Jakob placed by your bed just make in case and hurl in it. Jakob calls a healer immediately and what you find out chocked The Whole army. Ecspecially your husband. Who may you remind yourself was the son of Jakob And Flora, both from the ice tribe.

You were pregnant.





 That's would explain the chills and wralfing. Now how we're you goign to explain this to Dwyer, much less the entire army?!

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