Tsubaki x Reader

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Warning, dark crap. Sorry. I just feel like crap so my writing will be crap. I have been sad from no reason. Literally. Oh well, try to enjoy.


Modern AU

You had to hide your arms in a jacket, your legs in jeans, and your neck with a turtleneck shirt under the hoodie. Your limbs throbbed in pain with every step you took, but you had to get to class.

You thought you loved him and you thought he loved you. THis was three years ago in freshman year. Now you we're junior in high school, and the sexual harassment and abuse never stopped.

Niles would take you to his house forcefully after school. He would treat you like mpwhote men would treat black slaves way back when. Horribly. He would whip you even if you spoke anything other than his name nor something to involve the many things he would do to you when Night fell. So much rape...

The several new hickies on your skinmare hidden well by the clothing, but it was hot. And you had leggings and an undershirt to wear without your gym uniform so that's nobody would see any of your skin. Niles said if anyone found out about this ever, he wouldn't ise protection and make you bare so  any kids your waist would burst.

You always cried when you were alone. If nobody was around you'd sob. But you weren't ever truly alone. Niles always stalked you when he could. He made sure you didn't tell nobody.

Today you had a partner side project in science, and your partner was a redheaded ponytailed perfectionist named Tsubaki. He seemed nice, way nicer than Niles. He did take a lot of initiatives which you didn't name mind. You we're  used to submitting anyway. You couldn't contribute anyways because it was a drawing and annotations project. You art sucked but he asked you to maybe doodle it anyway.

You were in the middle of sketching the third planet from the back of the do,ar system when you felt a presence over your shoulder. You turn your heads  bit and see Tsubaki gawking at your horrible art.

"How do you draw so... perfectly?"

"Me? Oh no. My art is about as worthless as I am."

"Worthless? Who said you were worthless!?"

"My boyfriend..."

You weren't lying. Niles would always call you trash and told you to consider yourself lucky he could use you. But Tsubaki jsut had a scolding look on his face.

"If he tells you that you out should break up with him."

"I can't..."

"Why not? Of he is hurting you the night of course you-"

"You don't understand, sir."

You called him sir, surprising him. You didn't even bat an eye. Niles made you call him 'master' on a daily basis. 

"I don't understand what?"

He looked at your sleeves. You knew what he thought with the look in his eyes. It was the same look you're parents got. You would have to show them no scars but when they asked abotu the hickies you woudlnt ever reply. Niles was always watching. Possibly even now.

Tsubaki grabbed your arms and rolled up the sleeves, not surprising you one bit. No cuts. No scars. Just two large purple spots throbbing and having clear as can be teeth marks in the center.

"Who gave you these?"

You didn't reply. You felt Niles' harsh gaze on the Naperville of your neck. YOu were really going to get it tonight. You squeezed your eyes tight to prevent tears, but one trailed down from your left eye.

"(Your name), who gave you these?"

Tsubaki seemed like a very nice boy, he really did. But you were too scared of Niles my even speak. Everybody else was jsut working on their projects while this whole fiasco was going on in the corner.

"Answer me before I roll these up further."

You internally panicked becuase that's where Niles literally branded you for himself. On your right arm jsut above the elbow he grabbed a needle and some ink and signed his name on you. He claimed you as his. Whenever the ink washed off he woudl have to write it again. It was always so painful.


Tsubaki rolled it up and he saw the signature. You looked away as he just gawked at the ink engraved in your skin. He rolled the sleeves bakc down, talked to the teacher for a second, and then he grabbed your wrist.

"Come on. Let's go."


"The councilor's office."

"No! He'll...he'll..."

"Not if I cannot do anything."

He pulled you up and marched you straight to that room. You bith felt liek you we're doomed and that this red haired boy was your hero.

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