Ryoma x Reader

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Beware the memes requested by LessHopeful, beware!

You had your chef hat and your apron and more. A goofy grin similar to Peri's when she slaughters a man was plastered on your face. You had duty at the mess hall. Your fave! You and Peri could make food so good the whole camp would be foamign at the mouth!

But Peri didn't have Mess Hall today with you. She had stable duty with her crush, Laslow. You entered the kitchen to see the lobster lord himself preparing soemthing with a boiling pot of water already set. Why did a prince have kitchen duty?

"Ah, (Your name),right on time to help me with the Daikon and Cream of Wheat."

Those must've been the ingredients of the day along with the live shellfish he crammed into the pot. Oh crap. You rush over there and reorginize the pot.

"Lord Ryoma, I'd you crowd too much lobsters in the pot it will not only break the actual fish, but it will leave some areas uncooked and raw. We don't want our troops to get food poisoning now do we?"

Heh, you were scolding the High prince of Hoshido. Thst was one thing to cross off the old bucket list. He looked apologetic.

"My apologies, I hadn't known. I'm helpless at cooking."

A soft smile overtook your precious scowl and you handed him the tongs. You placed your chef's hat on top of hsi messy hair, despite him being a teenager least a foot taller than you.

"And there's isn't a thing wrong with that's, now is there? Come on, I'll show you how to prepare the fried Daikon."

You showed him how to deep fry the radishes without actually having a deep frier or oil. Tome coudl do everything. You showed him the correct sizes to cut the diamond at before cooking them and you went back to your station... stations... as he went on with the simple task.

You finished up the whole cream of wheat and you justness had to wait on the lobster, but then the tome-powered magic frier stopped working. Ryoma panicked.

"What do I do? What do I do? If I can't even do this how am I supposed to lead a whole kingdom?!"

You chuckled and replaced the fire tome.

"It just ran out of uses, that's all."

He blinked at you and you giggled. He flushed redder thanbus sister's hair before you finished the meal and served it to the army.

After supper, he pulled you to the side.

"Can you... not mention this to my siblings? They'll mock me for sure..."

You made a gesture to symbolize zipping your lips and he smiled in appreciation.


That was bad. Sorry. Now on to th second request form this person! Woohoo!

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