Tsubaki x Reader Part Three

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I got hooked into my own one shot so it's becoming more of a Short story. Sorry Bros...

You finally ate and went back to the computer, calmed down from before. Your eyes were still red and puffy but no tears are to be shed form this point on, right?

You log onto to the presentation with all the information a amd it was almalt completely done! No lie, there was one final slide left to do and it was the monarchy slide. Tsubaki wasn't logged on probably because he had to eat himslef. You look over at the comments to see a small note from Tsubaki.

I finished every slide but one, of you want to go ahead it is fine by me.

You sigh for really no reason when you click on the slide, this was the one you could have some liberation with. This was the creative slide where you could have soem fun and create some characters for. But first you did a quick glance at the summary of the kingdom that Tsubaki did, not to mention perfectly with no errors.

Based on the riches of the kingdom the first king would need to be a proud king but not too proud where it was a sin. A king who was loyal and cared for his subjects with a queen who was too kindhearted for her own good. The perfect to begin with.

Then maybe, as going along with time and how most other historical kingdoms went, the third or fourth monarch be a tyrant similar to how hitler was in World War Two or how Garon was in you're favoeite game, Fire Emblem Fates. A name for him? Why not use the name Garon itself?

As you were on a writing frenzy with the fourth king, Tsubaki logged on and seemed to be reading it while you were typing. In the middle of it and all of the sudden, your hard work on the fourth king vanished. It was just, gone...

You panicked for a second, thinking you clicked the wrong button, then you saw Tsubaki's icon in the corner. You were fuming and he left a little note in the comments.

That isn't really Good.

You were infuriated. It was a very likely and brilliant idea and Tsubaki just deleted it becuzse it's wasn't a perfect, happily ever after period for the kingdom that never existed?! Every reign has its rise and falls, and younplanned on thisnking to end the first dynasty and begin the second one. You ahd a plan, you had soemthing on this project thst actually meant soemthign and it was yours and he Just took it away!

Try this.

He wrote a paragraph at how the slight decline with the third king rose up again in fine glory. As if there's was no trouble at all on the first place. It was...perfect. But nothing in life is truely flawless. You deleted his paragraph in anger and began with to write yours again. He just clicked a button that brought it back. Your eyes snapped over to the comments.

What are you doing?

You let out a huff of air that kept you sane for the time being. 

I'm making things interesting And at the same time realistic. I have no idea what you are doing!

I'm making things better for the kingdom.

That doesn't exist and it doesn't matter because the people in this kingdom aren't real! DO you think that it could really happen that a kingdom would have no downfall whatsoever?! Did it occur to you that things in real life aren't always perfect?! No it didn't becuase you seem to think that you are perfect And thst everyone else is dirt beneath your fricking feet!

You take a slight breather after pounding on the keys and Tsubaki seems to pause for a second. Then he decided to go back through your comment and change all the spelling and grammar errors.





He went back, and changed the grammatical errors in a passage that was supposedly to tell him this time not everything had to be perfect. You slam your head on the desk and redo all the errors in the paragraph just to irritate him.

Why did you make it all a mistake?

To put it into your feeble mind that  not everything  is perfect and not everyone is infirior to you! God how can you be so awful!?

In rage you log off the computer And run into the bathroom grabbing your razor. You kept saying to yourself as you began to cut that you were worthless and everybody saw you like dirt like Tsubaki. You kept saying to yourself that you were infirior And everybody hated you. You cut your arms up until you Passed out due to blood loss.

You're mother found you in the bathroom again and sighed as she wrapped your arm s up and tired her best to drag you to bed, she had no help becuase you were a family of two.

Your life wasn't perfect.

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