Xander x Reader

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A single tear fell off of your face as you wore a gown of elegance, your mother's wedding dress. Your father, to make peace with another kingdom, offered you without your consent. You wanted to marry for love, not because of ulterior motives. But you knew this was for the good of your kingdom and for your family's dynasty. Your little sister Andy big brother would Ben fine without you, right?

Father told you that you needed Nohr, the strongest army on the continent right now, as a good ally and your eternal bond with their name high prince would make a peace everlasting. You woudl become a queen, but you never wanted to be. You just wanted to be with your brothers and sisters. Now you would be alone in an alien place to you.

You sat in the horse drawn carriage that you and your mother occupied to get from your kingdom, Mayusosun, to Nohr. It was all the way across the continent and this kingdom barely even showed up on your own maps and vice versa, but you needed the allaiance.

Your mother saw the tear and reached over to wipe it away. She knewmofmyour dismay becuase that was the only reason she married father Andy became queen of Mayusosun. Btunshe eventually fell in love so Shen ahd to pray her own daughter woudl as well. That you would fall in love with this high prince of Nohr.

You weren't the stereotypical fragile princess who couldn't protect yourself, unlike, father wanted. Your brother secretly taught you and your sister how to use magic. You wanted to use time so and your sister chose staves, your brother was skilled in both lances and magic, making him a useful asset to Mayusosun and an excellent high prince.

You held your tome close to you, your mother letting you keep it as one of your few momentos of home. Shen knew of your sorcery and she knew of your talents, so she thought you'd be safe in this foreign country, as it's new monarch.

"Mother, I want to go home."

She had a tear on her own eye as well.

"We're almost there."

You sigh, knowing you ahd no chance to back my out of this. Your arranged marriage was on it's way. In an hour you were to be wed without so much as meeting your fiancé ahead of time. You wondered how he could be reacting to this. You shifted in the wedding dress and looked out the window. You hoped that the prince was nice, kind, and wouldn't mind you being a bit free. 

Before you knew it, you were at castle krakenburg and the bells chimed, signaling the kingdom for your arrival. You were late, so the wedding was to begin in just a few moments. Your mother's rushed to be prepare dinner in time and you were jsutjust about to walk down the aisle. You were supposed to meet him first for at least five minutes, but it was too late now. YOu had to marry a complete stranger.

You were standing behind the He door with the bouquets, nobody to walk you down since your father and brother both were busy back in Mayusosun. You missed them dearly along with your sister And you saw your mothers the maid of honor And only braidsmaid. You got a glance through the veil thst completely hid your face. He had blonde hair and chocolates eyes. He was handsome, but that was hardly a priority. You wanted soemone that you could trust, liek a best friend only more. Hopefully mother was right and you woudl first all one Love with the pr8nce in due time. You fought back tears walking down the aisle.

Many unfamiliar and hostile faces galread at you as you walked down. You're legs were weak and you were a hormonal brat, as father bluntly would put it if he were here. You make it down the aisle, somehow, and stands in front of the minister. You wait until he was done.

"Do you, Prince Xander, take (Your name) (last name) of Mayusosun to be your bride and tie the two kingdoms together in an eternal alliance."

So his name was Xander... you get a look at him through your veil, he looked as if he was struggling as much as you right now. You forgot about your own troubles and pitied the man. He must have had his own love or something. Perhaps forced harshly into this just as you were.

"I do."

His voice was strong, but you could see it in his eyes he was just putting on a mask.

"Do you, (Your name), take prince Xander to be your husband until death do you part and unite the kingdoms of Nohr and Mayusosun?"

"I....I do."

Your mother looked at you melancholically and proudly. 

"You May now kiss the bride."

You held your breath as he lifted your veil and put it behind you. He saw you and he just stared. Both of you were frozen for a minute And you panicked. The people would start to get suspicious if you didn't do anything. You leaned in and whispered:


And you kissed the stranger, bounding you together by marriage. Everybody cheered and you released him quickly. He was still trying to process everyhting and you're own tears were being bottled up to prevent anything awful from happening.

Time skip becuase of your own misery.

You were alone with Xander, your lawfully wedded husband. You kept the tears in all day, you wanted to let them out but you weren't alone. You both sat on the bed of the room you were supposed to share tonight. You shifted in your dress again and he cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry about earlier."

"For what?"

"I had to, or your subjects would have doubts..."


These were the first words you were speaking To him. No, your first word to him was the whispered 'sorry' before you kissed him. That kiss sealed your fate, and now you were married to a sconplete stranger. You're t9me was hidden under your dress, in your corset. It was hidden due to the dress floof.


"No need to be, You were thinking in the grand scheme of things."

You were scared of your whole life being these flop conversations of just you both. But you learned that he had four little siblings. Camilla, Corrin, Leo, and Elise. Two boys and two girls. Maybe  if you could warm up to them... You shift again and the tome falls to the floor. You blush and pick it up swiftly. You hug it tight to your chest.

"What Is that?"


"I'm your husband, I have the right to know."

You sigh in defeat and hand him your tome.

"Mjölnir? You know sorcery."


He sighed a breath of relief as you cock you heard in confusion.

"I thought I had a helpess bride who has no thoughts of he real own, like most stereotypical princesses!"

You couldn't help but laugh a bit too. 

"I thought I would get a strict husband who wouldn't let me do anything! Oh, no offense."

"None taken! Honestly I'm glad we were paired up together and not a Hoshidan princess."


You both spent the rest of the night talkign and conversing, laughing even at times. Xander's little siblings listened through the door without you knowing. But they were glad you were an actual person, and not one of those trophy wives that's they suspected you to be.

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