Henry x Reader

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A sad attempt at creepy stuffs in the beginning. Sorry.

The forest was dark, scary, and forboding. Your Pegasus had been injured in battle so you had to go without a steed for the next few weeks. You clutched your lance tightly as you walked through the dead forest of black trees with no leaves and little moonlight.

Chrom had asked you to scout the forest for any enemies, but you never told him that you were afraid. Afraid of the dark. Shadows crept and lurked everywhere makign you super skiddish. You could hear the crisp breeze and several things snapping beneath your feet.

This whole thing was mortifying. You readied your lance when you heard the bushes rustling behind you. You were shaking all over. Then an injured black cat jumped out of the bush and landed in your arms. You drop the lance and hold it.

"Oh, you poor thing!"

The next thing you know a myrmadon appears and tried to attack you. With your weapon on the ground and protecting the cat, you couldn't fight. You try to hold the tiny black kitten in one arm and you grab your lance and start stabbing. Fortunately you hit him dead center in the chest, killing him swiftly. 

What luck.

You drop the lance again and go back to caressing and cooign at the cst like it was a child. You stoke its fur, but you get blood on your hands when you do. But the kitten showed no signs of pain when you did so, in fact it was almost satisfied at your touch.

You look around the forest, nobody. You start heading back to camp when you hear a voice. It was a creepy voice singing, and it was getting closer.

You started to run with the kitten in your arms. You left the lance there and a trial of blood from a bash in your arm you didn't even know you had. You're an until you go  to campa do you went straight for a healer's tent. Libra looked at,you curiously.

"Save the cat!"

"Your arm?"

"My arm?"

You look at your arm and blood was losing out. It looked painful, but you didn't even feel it. 

"No, that can wait. The kitten!"

You held out the kitten and it...snickered? Libra recoiled when the cat started laugjign and you didn't drop it. It started glowing an ominous purple And you set it down gently. The tiny little black kitten that was covered in blood started....morphing.

It's paws became hands and feet, it's forelegs becoming arms. It began to stand on its hind legs when it started growing in height. The black fur vaporized and a full head of white hair replaced it on top of the Now human head. You coudlnt ever forget the ever closed eyes thst belonged to this man.

"Wow! I never knew being a cat could be fun! Nyah ha!"

"Henry? Why were you a kitten?"

All the blood seemed to dissapear off of him, making him pout. You just gawked in awe, blood still spilling out of you like a open barrel of rum.

"I lik doggies, so why can't I like kitties?"

"No, why did you become one?"

"Oh! Simple! Nyah ha! I knew (Your name) loved kitties so I became one!"

You flinched and blushed. Had they both forgotten you were there? Or we're you dead and you didn't even know it?!

"Because she loved them? Why did you want to become a kitten? Thst doesn't really answer the question."

Henry laughed again as you heard a crow call form outside. The pain was finally getting to you after the adrenaline rush died down. It started throbbing but you let the two men finish their conversation. Yeah, your wound can wait. Though it obviously doesn't want to.

"Because maybe she'd love me if I became something she loved!"

He. Just. WHAAAAAT!? And he said it liek it was the most obvious thing in the world. Libra was already married, so he understood. Ish. Henry just turned to you, hsi normal happy face flushed with flusterdness. You just stared and the blood in your cheeks boiled. You spoke up for the first time in a while.

"You love me back?"


You nod and Henry seemed overjoyed. He picked you up and spun you burn he wccidemtally touched the gash causing you to exclaim in pain. He put some you back down and turns to Libra.

"Can you...?"

"No problem, Henry."

Libra fixes your wound and Henry sits by you the whole time. Tonight was a good night.

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