Laslow x Reader

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You were sitting behind a wall that gave you visibility to a training session between Hinata and Laslow, two very talented Swordsmen. Hinata was a retainer to prince Takumi of Hoshido Andy asked Laslow, the retainer to the high prince of Nohr Xander, to spar with him to see who is the better retainer.

You coudlnt help but hide behind the building and spectate. Being a Nohrian soldier in this mixed army, you have grown quite fond of Laslow and admired him from afar. But during this sparring session you coudlnt help but mentally scream 'holy sh*t' over and over again mentally whiel you grabbed a diary and began scribbling things down.

Why does it when two men spar or fight does it look so horrible, yet feel so right? I shouldn't be watching from afar, it's not who I am, but with his boy....

You could not write how you felt in just mere words. Woth a flushed face you sighed an an delaned agaisnt the wall, nearing the clash of the wooden practice swords in the background.


But the clashing stopped whiel you were still writing and you saw the very man you were fawning over in front of you before you even knew what was going on. You blinked a few times when you met his gaze And your face practically exploded with blush.

"Laslow! Oh! I'm so sorry I..."

His eyes were reading your diary upside down and yo closed it abruptly in embarrassment but he read it all and chuckled.

"Quite the way with words, (your name)? You flatter me. Perhaps meet me for tea later?"

You blush, internally shreik as well as fangirl, And nod frantically.

"I'd love to!"

"Ah rejection, my old- wait did you just say yes?"


Soon you both were Grinning like, crazy people and walking arm in arm to the nearest tea shop. You left your diary in the spot. It all happened so fast you could hardly follow it!

I was listening to the song and I HAD to!


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