Chapter 1: Brody

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Brody Anderson: a classic heart throb. Tall, tanned, perfect, and he was my high school sweetheart. We met the summer before my sophomore year at the beach in Santa Barbara. I had found a little cove away from the main beach behind some rocks at the beginning of the summer where I would go to clear my head and be alone. It quickly became my favorite place to be. The sound of the waves calmed me and helped me organize my thoughts. I rarely saw anyone else there, so I would go there and be alone whenever I wanted. It was an early June day and it was getting late, so I started to pack up my blanket and computer into my bag. I heard footsteps behind me, and I started to panic until I heard a soft voice.

"I didn't think anyone else knew about this spot..."

I turned around to see a tall tanned guy with piercing green eyes walking toward me with nothing but board shorts and flip flops. His body was something out of a magazine and I froze. Chiseled features, and muscles that were obvious but not too big. He was dreamy, and I couldn't form words because I was in awe staring at him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He smiled and came closer to me, obviously noticing my surprise. I didn't know what to do or say. My bag slipped off my shoulder and to my side and as I attempted to take a step back, tripped over it and fell straight to my butt in the sand. Great first impression.

He rushed over to me to help me up. "Whoa there! Be careful. Here let me help you up. Looks like your bag has it out for you!" He half giggled and smiled at me as he spoke. My face turned, what I can only imagine, was the same color red as a fire truck. "I'm Brody," he said as he put his hand back out to shake. I froze again. Apparently my brain has completely scrambled into mush at the sight of him.

I tried to compose myself the best I could, and tucked my hair behind my ear and looked toward the ground as I held my hand out. "Uhh sorry... I'm Cami. Thanks for helping me up." I tried to smile through my utter embarrassment, and turned to walk away as fast as I could wiping the sand off my shorts.

"Hey wait!" He yelled after me and ran up to my side. "You don't have to leave ya know. This is still considered a public beach."

"I was heading out anyways. The cove is all yours." I talked fast and kept walking with my head to the ground. He grabbed my arm softly as he tried to keep up with me and I felt electricity shoot through my body. I immediately stopped in my tracks and looked up at him with a dumbfounded look. He just stared deep into my eyes like he could see everything I was thinking. He gave me a smirk and I could feel my face turning bright red again, so I dropped my head and looked at the sand.

"Sorry Cami I didn't mean to startle you... Do you come here often?" He gave me a funny look as he realized how cliche his statement was and we both started giggling uncomfortably.

"Ya I come here a lot actually. It's peaceful here." I looked out at the waves continuing to crash against the rocks on the edge of the cove.

He followed my glance and looked out at the water. "It really is. I haven't been here in years, and so I had to stop by quick. Didn't realize someone else had claimed this spot." He smiled sweetly at me as he ran his fingers through his hair and we both stared off at the sunset over the water.

"Years?" That was all I could get out as I turned towards him and became completely mesmerized in his eyes.

"Oh. Yeah. I just moved back here. I lived here as a kid, but moved to Washington when I was 15. Just moved back a few days ago to finish out my senior year."

"Why would you move back?" I realized after I said it that it came out completely rude. "Sorry, I didn't mean that in a bad way...." He just giggled again and shook his head at me while I rolled my eyes as myself.

"My dad got relocated to Washington for work a few years back. I wanted to come back here for my senior year to graduate with my friends, so I got a place down the beach for the next year. I was lucky enough to convince my parents that I should spend the summer here too, so here I am." I shook my head in understanding. He continued, "This is home, ya know?"

I understood. At least I think I did. I had just moved to Santa Barbara a couple weeks before, so I guess it's different for me. It made me think that maybe I could finish my Senior year back in Utah with my friends. I didn't want to sound bitter, so I made small talk. "It's beautiful here. I wasn't sure about the place when I first moved here, but I think it's growing on me." I smiled at him and he smiled back. After an awkward silence I broke the quiet, "Well I should probably get home. It's getting dark and I'm starting to get a little chilly."

"Are you walking?" He asked as I started to turn to walk away again.

I turned back towards him with a smile, "Yeah."

"Can I walk you home, Cami?"

He smirked at me and before I could stop my mouth I blurted out, "I'd like that." He ran and grabbed a bag and caught back up with me, and we walked out of the cove side by side as he thankfully put a shirt on so I could stop staring at his body.

**A/N** Thanks again for continuing to read. The chapters get longer as you  move through the story.  Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and FOLLOW me!  

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