Chapter 31: Friendsgiving Extravaganza

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Dylan came over right after work on Tuesday to help me start getting everything ready for Thanksgiving and to hear about my sister. He brought chinese take-out with him which totally hit the spot. I filled him in on the weird situation with my sister, and he was super supportive as usual.

"I think maybe it's time to have a real conversation with your parents about why they pushed so hard for you two to be separate. Definitely sounds like there is more to the story that no one wants to talk about."

I nodded in agreement. I wasn't sure what I would say to my parents, or what their reasoning for it could possibly be, but I knew the conversation needed to happen. "I want to just take the next few days to get to know my sister and then I will worry about my parents. I don't know what to believe yet."

"I think that is a perfect plan." He smiled and leaned over to kiss my cheek.

My phone rang with a call from Brooke. I wanted to fill her in on everything, so I answered and stepped into the bedroom while Dylan cleaned up our plates and left over food.

She was in shock about everything of course. She knew very little of my sister just like me, and was surprised to hear about my parents involvement. Since she is much less patient than I am, she wanted me to call my mom right away to get the scoop. It took a little bit for me to assure her that this was not the time, and that I needed to focus on my sister first. Honestly, I didn't completely trust her, and why should I? She was never a part of my life and now all of a sudden she comes to me with a crazy story expecting me to just jump on her side. I wasn't 100% convinced and I was going to tread lightly to find out as much as I could before picking a side.

After I hung up with Brooke, I sat on the bed for a few minutes going through my sisters Facebook, trying to see if there was any hint of something that might be strange. Dylan came in and sat with me while I scrolled and rubbed my back for a few minutes without saying anything.

I turned around to him with a thought. "What if my sister is still all messed up and this is just a ploy to take advantage of me and that is why my parents kept us apart?"

He took a deep breath. "Well, I guess that's possible. Did your sister look like she was on something?"

"I wouldn't even know what normal is, so I don't know."

He tilted his head to the side, "So don't reach a conclusion until you know." He shrugged. "Maybe she really does just want a relationship with you. Maybe there's no alterior motive here at all."

I rubbed my face with my hands and let out a loud sigh. "Why can't things just stay good and normal and calm. Like forever. No more shit." I leaned my body back into Dylan's and closed my eyes.

He let out a quiet chuckle, "Well then life would be pretty boring, and then you would figure out that you don't need me, and then where would that leave me, huh?"

I laughed and rolled over to face him. "Never...." I smiled and leaned into him to kiss his nose. "I could never not need you." My smile faltered and I cupped his cheek. "Not anymore..."

He pulled me further on top of him and pulled me close. "Good." He scrunched his brows together, "Cause I could never not need you anymore either." He placed a delicate kiss on my lips.

"I love you Dyl."

"I love you more, Cam."


We spent Wednesday getting the shopping done and food prepped for cooking. TJ brought enough firewood for a bonfire and enough beer to drown an army. We were drunk by 2pm and the party was still a day away. Needless to say, there was a bigger mess to clean up than necessary, but we were all having fun, and that was really all that mattered. TJ and Brooke stayed at the beach house so we could all get up early to get the rest of food cooked before we got drunk again. We planned for dinner at 4 and then a bonfire on the beach as soon as the sun started to set.

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