Chapter 39: Life As We Know It...

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About 1 Year Later.....

"Good morning, how can I help you?"  The girl at the front desk was way too chipper for it being 9am, and I didn't get my morning coffee.  On a Monday no less.

I responded nicely, "Uh hi.  I have an appointment at 9:15."


"Camilla Anderson-Steel."

"Ah yes!  Here is a cup." She plopped a clear cup on the counter with my name on it. "The restroom is right around the corner."

"Thanks."  I walked to the restroom and filled the cup leaving it in the little tray.  After washing my hands and walking back out, I sat down in the waiting room.  

After flipping through a Parenting magazine for a few minutes, a young girl with pink scrubs walked out and called my name. "Cami are you ready?"

I stood up and walked to her with a smile.  "Ready as I'll ever be!"

She giggled. "No Dylan today?"

I frowned. "No he got stuck at work today.  They are trying to get ready for the few weeks he'll be out of the office."

She smiled as we walked into the exam room. "Gotcha.  Well this should be a quick visit anyways.  Just going to check vitals and see how things look down below."

I nodded and sat down on the exam table.

"Any falls since last week?"

I shook my head.  "I've just been resting on the beach a lot more while I still can."

"Great!"  She took my blood pressure and pulse and then went to step out. "You know the drill, the doc will be in shortly."

I nodded as she shut the door behind her.  After removing my bottoms and wrapping myself  with the thin sheet, I sat back down on the exam table before the doctor knocked and entered the room.

"Cami!  How are you feeling?"  The doctor walked in and sat right down in front of me.

"I feel great actually, but I super tired..."

"Well that is normal.  Your urine looked good.  Let's check if there's been any change from last week."

I nodded and leaned back on the table.  After some typical discomfort, she let me sit back up.

"Well, you are at 4 centimeters!  Have you had any contractions?"

"I had a few overnight actually, but I got up and walked around and they stopped right away."

She laughed. "That's usually the opposite, lucky you!  Well we are just a week away from your due date, so have your bag ready.  You will likely not make it to the weekend with how far you have progressed since last week."  She smiled and stood up.

"Well ok!" I smiled back at her as I felt the excitement starting to set it.  

"Go ahead and get dressed and we'll see you again next week if for some reason you do make it past the weekend."  She smiled and grabbed my chart.

"Sounds good!  Fingers crossed!"  I laughed and after she walked out of the room I got dressed and made my way out.

After making a tentative appointment at the front desk I walked out of the office and called Dylan.  

He answered after the first ring. "Everything ok babe?"

I laughed. "Well if you consider being told we should hopefully have a baby by this weekend, then everything is great!"

"What!? Seriously?!"

I climbed into my car in the parking lot. "Yep.  4 centimeters and she doesn't think I'll make it much longer.  Hope your ready."

I heard him take a deep breath.  "More than ready baby.  God, I can't wait!"


Wednesday Evening....

"DYLAN!!!!!!!"  I grabbed my stomach as I ran awkwardly inside from the back patio where I was watching the sun set.

He ran to me in a panic. "Oh God, are you ok babe?"

"It's time!"

He stood up and his face went white.

"Dylan, I need you to not freak out right now please." I grabbed his arm and squeezed.

He looked at me and his eyes teared up. "Oh baby, we are gonna have a baby."  He placed a soft kiss on my lips.  "Go get in the truck and I will grab your bag."

I nodded and made my way to his truck.

When we got to the hospital, he stopped at the valet stand and took me straight inside and up the elevator to labor and delivery.  I had called TJ and Brooke on the way and they were planning to meet us.  

Once I was admitted and placed in a birthing room, TJ and Brooke showed up to say hello.

Brooke was already bawling. "Cami!!!!!   I am so excited!! I'm gonna be an auntie!!"

TJ walked in and gave Dylan a hug.  "Holy shit are you guys freaking out?!"  He then walked over to give me a hug and a kiss on my forehead as I laughed.

After catching up for a few minutes, they decided to go and grab some food downstairs while we waited for things to progress.


It was a grueling 24 hours.  While my body was ready, the tiny human was very, very stubborn.  After a long and painful labor, he finally made his grand entrance Thursday evening at 7:12pm, all 7 lbs. 7 oz. and 21 inches of him.  He was absolute perfection.

Though I was exhausted, we were both instantly in love and couldn't take our eyes off of him.  After the nurses cleaned us both up and I was able to put on a little make-up and fix my hair in to a bun, they let our visitors join us.

TJ and Brooke were the first ones to come visit along with about 100 blue balloons and a little white teddy bear.  They were instantly smitten with the little guy.  After they both got to hold and love on him, TJ checked his phone and said he had a surprise.  He and Brooke walked out and after just a few minutes, MaryBeth and Dale walked in with tears of joy in their eyes.

My eyes immediately blurred.  "Come in, come in!" I held him to face them both as they came closer.  "Say hello to Langston Brody Steel."  I smiled as MaryBeth looked back and forth from Dylan and I with more tears falling and her hand over her heart.

She could barely speak. "Oh you two.... He's perfect." 

I handed him to her to hold as Dale came over to hug Dylan and I and then went to sit with MaryBeth to ogle over sweet little 'LB', as we had decided for a nickname.

Dylan sat on the edge of my bed and put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head.  "Well I guess this is life as we know it."

I looked up and smiled. "And I love it."

~~~The End~~~

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