Chapter 2: The Walk Home

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The walk home was not long enough. Brody and I talked non-stop the whole way about SB, Washington, and my hometown in Utah. We talked about the school, the people in town, his surfing skills, and my love of reading. I could have talked to him all night. He was easy to talk to. It was natural. Like we had known each other forever...

"Well this is me," I said and pointed at the white house to our right. He looked at it and looked back at me with sad eyes. "What...?" I couldn't figure out if he was upset that we were home, or if he hated my house.

"Sorry, I was just hoping we had more time." I cracked a small smile at him. He smiled back.

"Hey, we have the whole summer right?" I tried to give my best happy voice even though I was pretty bummed too. "Maybe I will see you tomorrow? I mean now you know where I live..." I giggled, and he dropped his head as he laughed too.

"I guess you're right." He looked back up at me and smiled. "I'm just 3 houses down in the yellow place if you ever need anything." I looked down the road to the cute cottage as he pointed, and I shook my head in recognition. "I guess I'll see you around, Cami."

I smiled and looked up at him. "Ya. See you around Brody." I turned and started walking up to the door. I got halfway up the steps and stopped to turn around to see Brody still standing in the same place watching me. "Good night Brody!" I said playfully and turned back towards the door.

"Good night Cami." He started walking away and then yelled back without looking, "I like you, Cami." I stopped dead in my tracks and tried to peak over my shoulder. "I will see you soon." And he just kept walking, but I could just sense he was smiling and it made me smile too. I hurried inside and shut the door, rushing to my room to hide my flushing face. I wouldn't dare be seen or everyone would know something was up. There was no way I was going to be able to wash the smile off my face anytime soon, and I was kind of ok with it.

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