Chapter 35: When the Ex Strikes

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We spent Christmas Day with Dylan's whole family playing games, eating, drinking, laughing, talking.  It was the prefect holiday and I was in love with his entire family.  They were all so fun and made me feel like I was already a part of the family.  They were not shy in admitting that they actually despised Dylan's ex, which just made me laugh.  We spent the day after Christmas on the beach together, and his sister and brother's came over later in the day.  

We planned on going out to one of the beachside bars that night since we were leaving the next day to go back to Santa Barbara.  His sister and I got ready together upstairs while the guys got ready downstairs and kept themselves occupied playing beer pong waiting on us girls. 

Once we were all ready, we walked to the bar together and met a bunch of Dylan's friends there.  They were all super nice and had fun telling me lots of embarrassing stories about Dylan.  We were all having an absolute blast together.  I was borderline drunk by midnight and walked over to the bar for another beer.  Dylan came up behind me and grabbed my butt, causing me to scream a little too loud and then laugh hysterically as I fell into his arms.  His hands snaked around my lower back and I wrapped my arms around his neck and swayed with the music as we made small talk between kisses.  

All of a sudden I hears someone yell Dylan's name, and heard a couple of his friends groan in displeasure.  Before I knew it the voice was right behind me.

"Well well well, Dylan.  Where did you pick up this skank?"

I snapped around and Dylan grabbed my hand to keep me close before he responded. "Don't talk about her like that.  Why don't you go find someone else to annoy Jessie."

She laughed and took a step closer. "Now, now... Is that any way to talk to your wife?"

My heart stopped in that very moment and Dylan let go of my hand.  It was his ex wife, but why did she she miss the ex part?  "Dylan...?" I looked up at him waiting for a response.

He didn't even look at me, just kept glaring at the woman to stood before us. "Cami, I need a minute."

I looked at her and wanted desperately to smack the smile off her face but refrained. "Dyl..." I reached for his hand but he pulled away.

"Cami please."

I felt my stomach churn and I immediately needed air.  I took one step and his friend Josh ran over to me, grabbed my hand, and led me straight out to the patio.

He stopped at the rail and turned me around. "Are you ok?"

I took a deep breath and looked away towards the water. "No... I need to get out of here." I took another deep breath. "Now.... I need to leave right now."  I took a step back and looked around to see if there was a door to the beach.  I saw it on the other side of the patio and before Josh could say anything, I ran and kept running until I reached the water.

I knew this feeling.  My breathing was erratic, my whole body was shaking, my thoughts were everywhere and nowhere.  I was panicking. I couldn't focus on anything, so I fumbled with my purse and grabbed my phone dialing TJ as fast as I could.

"Hey Cam, I thought you guys would be out partying tonight."

"TJ..........." I couldn't anything else out but the strained sound of his name.

His voice turned serious. "Cami... Where are you?"

I sobbed into the phone, "I..... Can't..... I...." 

"Cami please breathe for me babe.  Are you on the beach?"

"Yes....." I tried to take a breath but my chest was too tight.

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