Introduction: The Funeral Part 1

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Camilla Rae Anderson, known as Cami (or Cam) to those close to her, sits quietly in the front row of seats wearing a sleek black dress to her knees. Her long, wavy, dark brown hair is tucked neatly behind her ears, as she sits quietly with her eyes closed tight and head towards the ground. People move around her, talking, crying, hugging, but she doesn't move. She doesn't look.

The white coffin in front of her sits surrounded by flowers in the warm sun, and a large photo sits on an easel to it's right. It is of a young, handsome man with vibrant green eyes, brilliantly bright smile and messy dirty blonde hair with the ocean in the background. She begins to fiddle with the ring on her finger and she falls deeper into her own mind.


Focus... Just think about the sound of waves crashing into the shoreline. Listen for it. Focus...

It's not as easy as it normally is. Not today. I'm stuck. I'm broken. How did this happen? Why? Is this real? Or is this a horrible nightmare? Why can't I just wake up?

He can't really be gone. He promised he would never leave. He never broke a promise... It's not real. Listen for the waves... Listen... Focus...

"Cami," a sweet voice says from in front of me and breaks me from my own mind. I jump a little and open my eyes to see a tall brunette standing in front of me with tears in her eyes. "Cami, I am so sorry." It's Brooke. My best friend of 20 years. She drops to her knees in front of me and looks in my eyes with a purpose. "You are going to be ok, you know that right?" I can't speak. I can't move. She reaches out and grabs my hand to pull me into a tight embrace. Just then, the dam breaks behind my eyes and I began to sob uncontrollably into her shoulder.

**A/N** This is my first piece of work on WattPad. It is not a final edit, so there are some typos and misspellings here and there. I always love your feedback though! Please remember to VOTE and FOLLOW me for updates on new works. I am currently working on another book that is higher quality, so I am taking my time a little before starting to release chapters, but you can keep up with progress by following me.

Thanks so much for reading!!!



Camilla Rae (Cami): Nina Dobrev

Camilla Rae (Cami): Nina Dobrev

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Brody: Scott Eastman

Brody: Scott Eastman

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Brooke: Emma Watson

Brooke: Emma Watson

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TJ: Daniel Conn

Dylan: Chris Evans

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Dylan: Chris Evans

Dylan: Chris Evans

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Tasha: Emma Stone

Coraline (Cora): Jennifer Love Hewitt

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Coraline (Cora): Jennifer Love Hewitt

Coraline (Cora): Jennifer Love Hewitt

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