Chapter 38: A Garden Wedding

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As I sat in front of the mirror in my simple, but elegant off-white dress, I thought deeply about my first wedding

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As I sat in front of the mirror in my simple, but elegant off-white dress, I thought deeply about my first wedding. I was so certain that it was the first day of the rest of my life, and I hadn't a doubt in my mind that what I was doing would be the one and only time. I had no idea that I would only celebrate 2 anniversaries with him before my whole world would fall apart. I tried to hold back the tears to prevent messing up my perfect make-up, but it was no use.

As I looked to the floor, Brooke walked back into the room. "Oh no... No. No. No. Cami you can't cry. Stop it. I'm gonna cry now too, damnit." She ran to my side with tears filling her own eyes.

She looked stunning in her knee length navy dress. Seeing her look so flawless just made me cry more. She stood by my side at my first wedding and she was going to do the same for this one. I couldn't imagine anyone else standing there with me. No one else had been by my side for more than she had. She knew every detail of my life. Maybe more than I even knew the details. She was there for the highest points of my life, and for the absolute lowest points. And she never lost a bit of loyalty. She never faltered. She was my rock.

I tried to take a deep breath and pull back the tears. "I can't help but think about the day I married Brody." I looked up at Brooke who, at the moment I spoke those words, fell into a fit of sobs. "What if this marriage isn't forever either?" I looked back to the floor trying hard to keep the tears at bay.

Brooke kneeled down next to me and put her arm on my shoulder. "Cami, if you think like that, you will never live again. You know as well as I do that you are right where you are meant to be. And you know that Brody is here with you all the time, pushing you to live. To keep living. To keep loving. Don't ever question that."

I loved her for saying just the right thing. "I need TJ. Can you get him for me."

She smiled. "Of course. I will be right back."

She walked out of the room and I started making my checklist:

Something New: My dress.

Something Borrowed: My pearl hair clip that Brooke lent me

Something Blue: My navy blue heels

Something Old: .......... Crap!

Just as my face turned to panic about not having something old, TJ burst into the room in his own panic. "Are you ok?!"

I looked up in terror. "I need something old."

He stopped and furrowed his brows at me. "Huh?"

I stood up and walked towards him. "I have blue, borrowed, and new, but I don't have anything old. I need something old."

He laughed. "Christ Cami, I thought something was seriously wrong." He took a deep breath and chuckled some more.

I put my hands on my hips and shot him a scowl. "This is serious!"

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