Chapter 5: Not So Sweet 16

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It wasn't Brody's fault. It was just bad timing. How was he supposed to know it was my birthday? The first one without any of my friends....

To be honest, I was mortified. I could not believe what had just happened. Once I could breath again, I couldn't believe that he had seen me like that. I felt like a complete lunatic. 

"I have to go," I pushed out of my mouth as I tried to stand back up. He wouldn't let go of me, though. "Brody, please... I have to go." He wasn't budging. In fact, he held me tighter. "Damnit Brody let me go!" I screamed.  He finally loosened his embrace.

"Cami," he said softly as he tried to follow my face that I was desperately trying to hide from him. "Cami, stop it." He continued, "please talk to me. I want to be there for you. If you aren't ready to open up to me, it's ok but I'm right here either way." He finally caught my gaze and I felt like he was looking straight into my soul.

Before I could reign in my crazy, the words just started flowing. "Brody, it's my birthday today and I'm all alone, Ok? It's my not so sweet 16. And I have my parents to thank for dragging me to this godforsaken town, with this godforsaken beach, away from my life and all my friends." I stopped and stared with big eyes, and he didn't flinch. "Is that what you want to hear, Brody? Is it?!" I finally shut my mouth, threw my hands in the air, and just waited for his response.

"Are you done freaking out, now?" He started laughing at me. What is seriously wrong with this guy?!

"Uuuugh!!" I moaned. And then started yelling again, "You are really something else Brody. What a charmer. You know what? Don't talk to me. Don't look at me. Just forget we ever met!" I stood up and started walking back towards my house.

"But I like looking at you Cami," he said softly but loud enough that I could hear him.  And of course my body stopped even though I didn't want it to. 

I turned around slowly with a disgusted look. And just as I suspected, he was standing there in all his gorgeousness smiling at me with his hands out like he's waiting for me to run into his arms.  My eyes cringed as I spoke, "You... You smug, cocky, piece of work..." I paused as I started to walk towards him, ready to dish it all out at him and put him in his place. "You...." I walked right up to him with my finger poking his chest.  That beautifully sculpted chest of his...

And before I could get another word in, he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me to him in the most passionate kiss that ever was.  My knees went week and he held me up as I let go of my craziness and kissed him back.

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