Chapter 37: Say Forever One More Time

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We got to Vegas at around 3:30 on New Years Eve.  By the time we checked into our suite, we had already started drinking.  We managed to get on a VIP list for the NYE party at the Bellagio, so we made sure to leave time to get looking good for it.  

I decided to wear the red dress from my birthday, and Brooke went with a new white and navy dress that looked phenomenal.  Dylan went with black slacks and a white button up with the red matching tie and TJ went for a navy button up with black slacks.  We looked good.  I was worried about my shoes causing me a problem at some point between the amount of time in them and the amount of alcohol that would be consumed, but I figured I wouldn't be alone and I had Dylan to help keep me upright.

We spent several hours out in the casino and making our way around the strip.  I was up 100 bucks off of slot machines and Dylan was down $50 on Blackjack.  Brooke and TJ were playing roulette and were back up $250 after losing $300.  We were trying to pace our drinking, and by 10:30 we were ready to make our way to the Bellagio.

We made it to the party and were in the VIP section enjoying ourselves by 11.  Brooke and I danced, and managed to drag the guys out with us for a while and before we knew it, they were announcing 5 minutes until the new year.  I was so excited to be spending it with Dylan and my two amazing best friends.  

I was hopeful that the new year was going to be a great one, and hopefully one with less drama, less tears, and less pain.  I was growing stronger every day, and even though Brody was gone, I was finding it easier to place him in a part of my heart that didn't need to be present all the time.  It was allowing me to open myself up more and more to Dylan and give him more of myself.  He deserved that, and I really did love him with every ounce of my being.

As the countdown began, Dylan grabbed me by my waist and made me face him.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and we screamed together.... "4...... 3..... 2.... 1.....  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!"

He put a hand behind my neck and pulled me in for one amazing kiss that made my world spin.  When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine. "I love you Cami...."

"I love you too, Dyl."

He took a deep breath and looked into my eyes like he was peering into my soul. "I know I'm not perfect and things were crazy just last week.  But I promise it is going to be perfect now.  When I look at my future, you are all I see."

I pulled my head back and stared at him as both of our eyes started to swell with tears.  He pulled back further and dropped to his knee as he dug in his pocket. 

My hands covered my face as I started to cry.

"Cami, I don't want to wait anymore.  I need you to be all mine.  Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

I looked around and saw 100's of people staring at us with smiles and wide eyes and taking pictures.  Brooke was bawling.  TJ was wiping his eyes, but had a huge smile on his face.  I looked down at Dylan through my tears and saw the gorgeous ring in the velvet box in his hands.  I smiled and started nodding like crazy.  "YES!"  He jumped up and wrapped me in his arms. "Oh my God, yes Dylan!"

He pulled back, kissed me and then stepped back to put the ring on my finger.  For the first time in a long time, I had happy tears falling from my face.  I could breathe just fine, and my heart was full.  I pulled Dylan back to me and leaned in for the most amazing kiss with the man that I loved so much.


After the party was over, we were still on our high from getting engaged. I couldn't stop looking at the ring thinking how utterly perfect it was.  People were stopping us and congratulating us all the way out of the hotel.  

As we stood watching the fountains before heading back to our hotel, I turned to Dylan with a smile.  "See, I told you this was forever."

He laughed and pulled me towards him by my waist.  "Say forever one more time."

"Forever, babe.  Forever and always." I smiled as he pulled me into another deep and passion-filled kiss.

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