Chapter 9: The Envelope

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The envelope was heavy and bulky.  I opened it and a key fell out on a keychain from the SB Surf Shop.  Brody practically lived in that store every summer.  I set it aside and pulled out the piece of paper that was neatly tucked inside the envelope.  I looked up at Brooke for a second, looking for a little support before I dove head first into whatever this was.  I unfolded the paper and started reading...

My Sweet Cami,

If you are reading this letter, you must have lost me, and I am so, so sorry.  I know you well enough to know that you are probably laying in our bed, wearing my clothes, and trying your hardest to hear waves in your head.  The average person would think that you have completely lost your mind, but we know better.  Don't we baby?  :-)

I caught myself smile for a second.  He really does know me doesn't he?

Cami, I promised you a million times that I would never leave you.  And I won't, please remember that.  But I also need you to be strong.  Our love is something that people dream of their entire lives.  We got the happily ever after, and although you are probably feeling pretty shafted right now, sometimes happily ever after isn't forever.  

Boy was he right...  I could feel tears welling up again as I kept reading.

I love you with my whole heart, and I wish so much that I could tell you that a bajillion more times!  It was never my intention to leave you so soon, and I hope you know that you can always find me in the waves of our cove.  I may not be with you there physically, but I will always be with you.  Standing beside you.  Watching you breathe.  Watching you smile.  Watching you cry.  Holding you.  I will ALWAYS be with you no matter what.

I know that you will have a hard time with this whole situation.  I know that you will take your sweet time moving on and will fight it to the death, but I need you to do that.  I know it won't be easy... I mean you were married to Brody Anderson! ;-)

That man never did outgrow his cockiness.  I giggled a little and I could see Brooke crack a small smile in front of me.

There is a key with this note.  It opens the door of the yellow cottage 3 doors down from your parents old house on the beach.  You know... The one I rented for my senior year and first 2 years of college... Just so I could stay near you?  

Camilla Rae Anderson you are my soul mate.  I knew it the moment I saw you in that cove all those years ago.  I knew the moment you fell on your ass into the sand trying to scurry away from me  that I was going to marry you one day.  

I just shook my head and went right back to the letter.

Cami, I want you pack up everything and you go to that little yellow beach house.  You sit in OUR cove as long as you need to listening to the waves.  Cry as many tears as you need to.  Stay in that house, on that beach, until you are ready to move on.  I know you don't want to think about it now, but you need to.  

If there is one thing worse than not being able to be with you physically, it's going to be watching you stumble through life alone, and I can't bare it, Cami.  Lean on Brooke, and talk to me all the time.  I will always listen.  I will always be there for you.  But please, please, please find yourself and find someone amazing to take care of you.... I know no one will be as good as the Brody Anderson fella right here ;-), but I'm sure someone has got to come somewhat close. Just make sure he, whoever he turns out to be, loves you.  And loves you passionately.  Loves you like you are the most amazing thing on this earth (because you are).  Make him move mountains for you Cami.  Do not ever settle.  But do not push him away simply because he isn't me.  You deserve to be the happiest girl in the world, and I hope that I was able to give you that for the time I had you.  

I love you Cami Rae.  Forever and always.  You will always be my "one."  Don't you ever forget that.

I love you with my whole heart, body, mind, soul.  More than the moon and stars in the sky.  I love you to eternity and back.  I am so sorry I can't rock you in my arms right now.... Please just listen to the waves.  Just breathe baby.  Just focus on the waves....

I'll see you again someday,

<3 Brody

I grabbed the key and threw it at the wall and fell into a ball of tears on the floor.

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