Chapter 15: Birthday Surprises

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Nothing like being woken up way too early to text after text, and call after call.  I grabbed my pillow and threw it over my face while I groaned in irritation. "Come ONNNN!!"

It went on for what felt like forever.  I didn't budge.  

"Turn it off!"  A deep groaning yell came from across the hall.  TJ wasn't a fan either apparently.


I heard him walk up to the door and lean against the frame. "It's not going to stop until you just answer."  I groaned again as I took the pillow off my face and looked at him smirking with a hand on his head.  He was in a pair of basketball shorts that slung really low on his hips... And nothing else.

"Sorry... I'll turn it off.  I didn't mean to wake you up."  I rolled over and attempted to turn it off as another call came through.  I laid back on the bed with my arms spread to my sides. "I give up.... Just go throw it in the ocean."

TJ Just laughed. "I'm not sure that will solve anything.  It's your birthday.  You're better off just answering and getting it over with." He turned to walk away as I sat dumbfounded that he even knew what day it was. "Get up.  I'll make breakfast."  He walked away towards the kitchen.

I stared at the ceiling for a minute more and then grabbed my phone off the charger to see the damage.  

Brooke.  Brooke.  Brooke.  Brooke.  Brooke.  Mom.  Brooke. Brooke. Brooke.....................

I cleared everything off the screen without a glance and turned my phone off before it could ring again.  I looked out the window at the ocean, took a deep breath while I stretched, and stood up to head to the kitchen. 

As I walked in with my baggy t-shirt and short cotton shorts on, I stopped before I even made it out of the hallway.  There was a single cupcake sitting on the island with an unlit candle in it.  I smiled and then walked the rest of the way, admiring the man in my kitchen.

"What's this?" I said pointing to the cupcake.

TJ laughed, "Well, I figured since you didn't bring up your birthday, that you would prefer something a little more low key." He smiled and leaned down to light the candle. "Happy birthday Cami."

"Thanks," I smiled back, closed my eyes, and made me wish. I wish to just get through today. Then I blew out the candle and dug in to my cupcake while TJ got back to work on breakfast.

It was quiet and peaceful with my phone off and no more distractions.  Until someone started banging on the front door.  I jumped up with big eyes and looked at TJ who looked just as spooked.  "Were you expecting someone?" He asked looking just as confused as I was.

"...No," I responded hesitantly.  I stayed where I was and he walked towards the door still just wearing those basketball shorts and messy bed head.  

As soon as he opened the door I heard the high pitched voice, "Holy hell, what piece of heaven did you fall from?!"

Brooke.  What. The. Hell.

I buried my head in my hands for a split second before I realized that I needed to rescue TJ from Brooke's vulgarities.  I walked to the door, mouthed "Sorry" to TJ and greeted my crazy best friend with a smile.  "Brooke!  What are you doing here?!"

She pushed passed me and into the house, still eyeing TJ.  She leaned over and whispered to me, "Who's the hotty?"

I rolled my eyes and walked her to the kitchen.  "Brooke this is TJ. TJ, Brooke."  They both waved awkwardly, and I pulled her back before she could finish undressing him with her eyes. "Off. Limits. So what's up?" I was already annoyed with her and I think she could tell.

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