Chapter 26: Shenanigans Pt. 2

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We stopped by the house to drop of Brooke's stuff quick and then went straight to lunch. Carol was standing at the front when we walked up and I thought she might cry when she saw me.  She pulled me into a tight hug when I got close. "Cami, I didn't think it was possible, but you've done it."  She pulls back and smiles and me and I can't help but giggle unsure of what she was getting at.

"What on earth do you mean Carol?"  I smile at her but scrunch my brows.

She puts her hands on her hips, "You have found another perfect man." 

I couldn't help but laugh, "Oh.... Ya, so I guess you've met Dylan?"

"Have I met him?" She shook her head and laughed, "He stormed in here on a mission and when I heard it was for you, of course I obliged." I shook my head at her and kept laughing. "And he is a looker!"

"He is very handsome. And very kind." I tried to keep it simple to mask some of my excitement for the obvious time and effort he put into my day today.

"That's an understatement for sure." She grabbed mine and Brooke's hands and led us to a table by the water. "Here you girls go.  Have whatever you want from the menu." 

I smiled up at her, "Thanks Carol."

She grabbed my hand again, "Happy Birthday Cami," she finished and walked away.

Brooke and I ordered our food and talked while we waited for it to be brought to our table.  She mentioned that there were apparently several people involved in my secret day that Dylan put together, and I was assured that the party at the pier was not going to be as big as it was made to seem which made me relax a ton.  

After we finished eating, instead of the check, the waitress brought me an envelope. I opened it to read the paper inside:

Your day is not over.  You have an appointment at Beachside Spa for you and Brooke to get your hair and make-up done for tonight..... After your relaxing massage.  Go relax, and once you are done, head back to your house.  I'll see you soon beautiful!

That guy is good. I smiled and looked up at Brooke, "Ok, on to our next adventure!"

Brooke giggled some more as we grabbed our purses and continued over to the spa.


After we finished our massages, the girls there made us look stunning by putting my hair half up and half down with big curls, and I felt like a model with the make-up.  I am not big on make-up, but I was feeling pretty good.  Brooke had a full updo and her make-up made her look like she was ready to walk the red carpet.

We got back to my house to find a garment bag hanging in the entryway.  I scrunched my eyes at it and looked at Brooke who was grinning from ear to ear letting me know that she was aware of what was inside.  I shook my head and laughed as I grabbed it quietly and went to my bedroom.  

As I pulled the gorgeous red dress from the bag, Brooke stepped in and started talking.  "I hope you love it." She was beaming.

I was in awe.  It was a solid red dress that had a full open back, but came up high in the neck in the front.  It was way shorter than I would have picked, but it was literally amazing and I was speechless.  I quickly pulled off my jean skirt and tank top and I pulled the dress off the hanger.  I quickly slipped into it as Brooke helped hook it back up.  I walked over to the full length mirror and couldn't believe what I was looking at.

It sat very short on my thighs, but was sleek and form fitted.  It came up high in the front with no sleeves and the back dipped to just above the curve of my butt.  I felt like I was looking at someone else entirely.  Brooke was still smiling, but was getting uncomfortable with me not saying anything still.

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