Chapter 3: The Breakdown

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The next morning I got up early to go for a run on the beach. I got my ipod set up and went out to the back porch to stretch. I looked out at the water and instantly smiled. I hate that I had to leave my whole life behind, but wow. This view will never get old! I grabbed my bottle of water and walked down the patio stairs and over to the beach access path which was right next to my house. As soon as I reached the clearing, I saw him. Brody. He was already down by the water running past me. No shirt, of course. I tried my best to ignore him and I didn't think he saw me yet, but I couldn't wipe the stupid smile off my face. I tried to head the opposite direction and started to jog.

It wasn't but a few seconds before I was on the edge of the water running at a steady pace. Away from Brody. Or so I thought.

"I didn't know you were a runner," I barely heard anything over the music in my ears from my ipod. I jumped a little and pulled the earbud out of my right ear.

"Hey Brody," is all I managed to get out. Along with the stupid grin that I couldn't hide.

"You want company?"

I couldn't even stop myself before my mouth spat it out, "I'd love that." I really needed to figure out how to filter myself. Either way we both smiled and we kept running.

We didn't talk much at first. I was just focused on my run. After about 15 minutes I slowed down to a walk to get a drink from my water bottle. He slowed with me and turned around to walk backwards facing me.

He pulled his ear buds out and I followed suit. "So what are your plans today?" He smiled like he was up to something.

"Hmm... I don't know yet. Right now I am running, then I'll probably go take a shower and then maybe grab some lunch in a couple hours on the boardwalk." I smiled inquisitively.

"Interesting," I could tell he was up to something. We hadn't even known each other for 24 hours, but it felt like I'd known him for years. He smiled bigger, "Let me show you around."

I was a little confused. I had been in SB for a couple weeks already. I had seen most of the town. I didn't really think that there was more to see. "Uh, ok. What do you want to show me?" I could tell I made a confused face and he just laughed.

"There is more to this place than you realize, Cam." I stopped right there and looked at him blankly. No one calls me Cam except my friends back home. I think he could tell something just changed. "Sorry. Cami. I don't know why I called you Cam. Stupid. That is clearly not your name." He rubbed his face and turned around. "Never mind. Forget I asked. Maybe another time?" He looked totally distraught.

His little rant made me start laughing hysterically. I have no idea what came over my body, but I just couldn't stop. I couldn't even speak. He just looked at me completely surprised and so confused and it just made me laugh harder. And harder. Until I was bawling my eyes out and dropping to the ground on my knees. It wasn't happy tears falling from my eyes... I wasn't laughing anymore. I covered my face with my hands and broke down right then and there.

"Oh my gosh Cami, I'm so sorry. What did I do? What can I do?" I could tell he was lost trying to figure out what was happening and how he could help. Feeling guilt for causing it. He kneeled down and just grabbed me and held me in his arms, and all of a sudden I felt safe. He just held me and rocked me in his arms and I let it all go.

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