Chapter 23: New Beginnings

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It was Monday after my amazing date with Dylan.  I got up early and ate some breakfast on the patio.  I had a couple articles to review for work, so I figured I would get those done early so I could call Brooke on her lunch break and fill her in on the night before.  I needed to talk to TJ as well and figure out what his deal was all of a sudden.  It was a conversation I was dreading.  A week before, I was desperate to hear from him, and now I don't want anything to do with him.  I didn't even know who he was anymore.

Just as I finished up my work, I closed my computer and my phone started to ring. "Hey Brooke!"

"Hey there! Sooooooooo I need the scoop! And hurry because my lunch is damn near over already!"

I laughed, "Ok well to start the night, you'll never guess who showed up right before Dylan did..."

She gasped, "NO!"

I nodded, "Yes.  I was ready to kill him."  I explained the confrontation to her and we both agreed that it certainly could have been worse.  "I do need to talk to him though.  He can't keep doing this to me."

"Uh ya think?  Ugh!  He's literally lost it!"

I nodded again and got into the date portion.  I told her about the whole night and then the conversation outside my door at the end of the night.

"Wait, so he didn't want to get down and dirty with you?!"

"No," I giggled. "He said he wanted to do things the right way without messing things up."

"Whoa.... Where did you find this stud?  He is like top shelf, Cam!"

I laughed again, "I know." I sighed.

"So when are you going out again?"

"Not sure yet.  Haven't heard from him."

"What!? Call him!"

I laughed again and shook my head, "It's been like 12 hours since I got home, it's fine.  He has a job that he is probably at right now."

"Whatever.  He's like romance novel quality.  Don't let him get away."

"Duly noted."  I laughed and just then I got a text message.

Hey Beautiful!  Thanks for an amazing night last night.  Dinner and a movie in tonight? 

I smiled, "Uhh speak of the devil, he just texted me about dinner and a movie tonight!"

"Ahhhh!! Yes!"

"Hang on while I text him back quick."

Hey you!  That sounds perfect! 

Great!  Your place ok?  I don't want you driving home alone after.

:-) . That sounds great.

Ok I'll see you at 5.  I'm cooking for you.  Be ready :-*

Can't wait! :-*

"Brooke!"  I was so giddy.  

I shared the conversation with her. "Ooooh!  You are officially DATING!  I'm so proud."

I laughed, "Gah, you are a mess.  Go back to work.  I'll talk to you later!"

"Ok fine.  Love you Cam!"

"Love you Brookey!"

I spent the next couple hours outside.  I did some yard work, took a walk on the beach, and went to the cove for a half hour or so.  It hasn't felt the same there lately; like Brody wasn't as close as he had been in the past.  It was probably a good thing. It meant that I was moving on and allowing new things to envelope my life, but it was still hard to take in.  I walked back home to clean up the house and get ready for my second date with Dylan.  The more I thought about it, the more nervous I got.  But I couldn't wipe the smile off my face if I tried.


I ended up just throwing on a pair of short jean shorts and a low cut grey tank top.  I kept my make-up light so I didn't appear to be trying too hard, but left my hair down and wavy.  Dylan showed up about 5:15.  He had texted to let me know he was running a little late from work.  He showed up with a big paper bag of food, and a romantic comedy for the movie, and had a nice 5 o'clock shadow on his face.  He was wearing jeans and a grey t-shirt and looked amazing with his hair a mess.  

He set the bag and movie on the counter and grabbed me to give me a kiss.  I leaned in and wrapped my arms around his neck.  After a second he reached behind me and pulled out a white apron from the bag, stepped back from me and put it on with a smile.

I couldn't help but giggle. "You don't mess around do you?!"

He looked at me with a very serious smile, "Nope!"  He turned around and went to work.

I sat down on a stool at the island and watched as he prepared the most amazing dinner of Chicken Alfredo, with fresh steamed broccoli and garlic bread.  We made small talk while he cooked, and I had to admit that he looked good working over the stove.  Once it was ready, he plated our food and we went out to the patio to eat.  It tasted incredible, and I was impressed and speechless as I stuffed my face.  

"What do you think?" He asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

I took another bite of the pasta and moaned, "Do you really have to ask?" We both laughed and kept eating. Just as the night before we never seemed to run out of things to talk about.  We talked about his job as an engineer, and how he just happened to get lucky that the company he worked for had an opening here when he was looking to start over after his divorce.  We joked that it was fate bringing us together, and a part of me was actually believing it.  He asked me a lot about Brody, but he never pushed too hard.

When I told him about the cove and how it was such a big part of everything in our relationship, he asked if I would take him there.  I hesitated for a second, but realized that this was one of those opportunities to share another part of me with someone else, and it would help me to continue moving forward.  So, after we finished eating and took our plates inside, we walked hand in hand to the cove to watch the sun set.

"Wow Cami.  I can see why you love this place.  It's absolutely beautiful!" He smiled and looked down at me.

I smiled back and put my arm around his waist as we sat down in the sand. "It is, isn't it?"

We sat there quietly watching the sun set over the water.  It was the quietest we had ever been with each other.  I can't really explain the feeling, being there with someone else; someone completely uninvolved with Brody.  It felt different than it ever had before, but not in a bad way.  I leaned my head on Dylan's shoulder and in that moment it was like Brody was there telling me that it was ok. That I was doing what I he wanted me to do.  And for the first time, it was like Brody was letting me go to be truly happy again. I took a deep breath and snuggled in tighter to Dylan.

And just like that it was a new beginning.  With Dylan.  And it was nearly perfect.

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