Chapter 34: Daytona for Christmas

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"What if I say something stupid?  What if they think I'm just a washed up widow who doesn't deserve him?!"  I was officially in panic mode packing for the trip to Florida.  It was December 22nd, and TJ was with me helping me get everything ready while Dylan worked his last day before taking 2 weeks off.  We were leaving that night on a red-eye flight to go see his family for Christmas, and to say I was nervous was the understatement of the century.

TJ laughed and laughed. "Cami..." I didn't acknowledge him. "Cami! Stop!"  I looked up with fear across my face. He just laughed more. "You gotta stop. You are gonna be fine and they are going to absolutely love you."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever.  You say that but you don't really know!"

"Oh my hell, Cami. Look at me!"  He grabbed my shoulders and I looked up at his shit eating grin that just made me more freaked out. "He talks to his family about you all the time already and trust me, they already love you." 

"He what!?" I sat down defeated on the bed. "This is an awful idea."

TJ laughed some more. "You are being so ridiculous.  What is there NOT to love about you Cami? You are the most loveable person I know."

I rolled my eyes again. "You are just saying that because you're my friend and you have to." I put my head in my hands and TJ rubbed my back.  I could still hear the laughter he was trying to stifle.

I felt him get up and walk out of the room.  I was finally alone to freak out, but then I heard him on the phone and I knew who it was.  I ran out of the room and yelled, "DON'T TELL HIM I'M FREAKING OUT!"

He turned around and walked to me holding the phone out to me. "Just listen to what he has to say, ok?"

I sighed as loud as possible and grabbed the phone. "Yes?" I said quietly.

"Stop freaking out ok babe. My family already loves you. They know enough that you don't need to worry, and they love you. They can't wait to meet the girl who I can't stop talking about."

"Are you sure? I can stay here, it's really no big deal. I will survive."

He laughed through the phone just like TJ had been.  "Stop it. I love you. You are coming with me. Finish packing and I will be there to pick you up in an hour."

I took another deep breath. "Ok. I love you too. See you in a bit."

I hung up the phone and handed it back to TJ who had that same stupid smile that I wanted to smack off his face.  I turned around and walked back to my room. "Shut up."

He ran right up behind me, "Told you."  He sat back down on the bed.  "Ok I'll be nice.  Anything else you need to pack?"

I looked at him and then around the room. "I don't know. I guess if I forget anything I can just buy it there."

He nodded in agreement and then took a deep breath, the laughing had subsided and he was serious. "You sure you're gonna be ok?  This is a big step Cam."

I stopped zipping my suitcase and sat next to him, resting my head on his shoulder.  "Honestly, I don't know.  A part of me wishes I was going with you and Brooke to Washington. I miss MaryBeth and Dale."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "They miss you too, but I also know they are really happy that you've found someone."  He paused for a second. "You will be fine.  If it gets to be too much just tell him.  You know he will take care of you."

"I know.  Can we videochat while you're up there?  I want to see everyone."

"Of course we can."

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