Chapter 24: The Next Level

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After watching the sun set at the cove, Dylan and I walked back inside to watch the movie he brought.  I popped some popcorn while he got it going on the tv.  It was a romantic comedy, which is perfect date movie material.  We curled up on the couch together and didn't move for over an hour.  I am notorious for falling asleep during movies, and of course this time was no different.  When the movie ended, I felt him shifting and I woke up.  

"Hey sleepyhead," he said as he flashed me his perfect smile.

I looked up and smile back as I grabbed his hand in mine and stood up.  I started walking him to my room and he didn't hesitate this time.  I hadn't been with anyone since Brody, and Brody was my first so I had never been with anyone else, and I am not going to lie, I was nervous as hell.  We made it to the bedroom and he wrapped his arms around me tight as his lips found their way to mine.  

As the kissing heated up and hands started roaming he stopped and pulled away. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

I didn't hesitate and nodded my head as I took a hold of his shirt and lifted it over his head and made my way back to his lips.  He slowly lowered me to the bed and like the perfect gentleman he is, he went slow but steady as we took things to the next level.


I woke up the next morning to Dylan rustling around the room. "Sorry, did I wake you?"  I just smile at him and he stopped at came to give me a quick kiss.  "I have to get to work." He frowned as he backed away. 

I reached for his hand and he turned around and leaned in for a longer kiss. "Do you have to go?"

He frowned again, "God I wish I didn't have to, but we have a big meeting today on a project I've been heading."  He sighed and kissed me on my forehead and brushed away a few stray hairs from my face.  I closed my eyes as the feel of his touch made my heart race. "You are incredible, you know that?"

I smiled, "You're not so bad yourself."

"Tonight," he paused and took a breath. "I need to see you tonight, ok?"

I nodded and he leaned down for one more kiss before leaving.  

I laid in my bed thinking about everything that happened the night before.  Every detail was engrained in my head and I couldn't stop smiling.  I didn't feel guilt.  I didn't feel sadness.  I just felt happy.  I knew that the old me was back, and maybe I went through hell to get here, but I wasn't going let it get away.  Unfortunately in order for that to happen, I needed to clear up everything with TJ, so I could put my focus on my new relationship with Dylan. But for right then I was going to go back to sleep thinking about the amazing man that had come into my life.


After a few more hours of sleep I got up and put some clothes on and went to the kitchen to make coffee.  I grabbed my phone and I had a text already from Dylan.

Hey beautiful.  I had an amazing time with you.  Can't wait to see your gorgeous face tonight! :-*

I smiled as I typed my response.

Me too :-) . Can't wait for tonight!  

 I stuffed my phone in my pocket and poured the hot coffee into my mug before walking out to the back patio.  I had a smile plastered to my face thinking about him as I heard a voice I wasn't expecting.

"You look happy."

I froze as I looked at TJ walking up from the beach.  I set my coffee down and tried to gather my thoughts. "What are you doing here?"

He stopped at the stairs, "Can I talk to you?"  His face was soft and I could tell he was being sincere.

I waved him over, "Sure, come and sit.  Do you want coffee?"

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