Chapter 7: The Accident

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It was a Friday at about 6pm. I was rushing to meet a deadline for an article I wrote. I'm usually home by then. I had some last minute editing to complete and I knew I was going to be late, so I called Brody to let him know. He picked up on the first ring, and I just started talking. "Hey babe. I'm running late, I'm so sorry. I have about 15 minutes more before I'll have this finished to submit. Take-out for dinner?"

He was quick to respond, "Chinese?"

"Yes! Call it in and I can grab it on my way home."

"I'm just leaving the office myself, so I'll just grab it and see you at home." I could feel his smile through his words.

"Perfect. I will see you in a bit." I smiled into the phone.

"Hey Cam," he blurted out before I could hang up.

"Ya B?"

"I love you with my whole heart!" He giggled into the phone.

"And yet I still love you more," I teased back. "See you soon babe!"

We hung up and I rushed to finish my article.


I finally pressed submit and looked at the time. It had been 30 minutes, so way longer than I anticipated. I rushed out of my office and to the elevator. As soon as I made it to the front door, my phone started ringing, knowing it was Brody wondering where I was. I answered the phone and started talking before he could respond, "Baby I'm so sorry I'm running out the door now I will be there in 15 minutes, I promise!" I waited for his response with my eyes clenched.

"Mrs. Anderson?" That was not Brody's voice. I looked in shock at my phone to make sure it was really him calling. Sure enough. That was Brody's face on my phone. Who the hell has his phone?! I didn't say a word, still stunned. "Hello? Is this Brody Anderson's wife?" The voice asked again.

I couldn't move. Who was this person and what did they want. "Yes?" Is all I could muster in total confusion.

"Mrs. Anderson, this is Sergeant Black with the NYPD. There's been an accident. You need to get to the hospital right away."

Just then I heard sirens that brought me back to reality as I hung up the phone confused. The hospital was 2 blocks away from my office building and before I knew what was happening, I was running. Running as fast as I could. Straight to the sound of the sirens.

As I made it to the ER entrance, I took a deep breath. All I could think about was Brody in my head telling me to focus on the waves and breath. Focus on the waves. In and out. Breath. Listen to the waves. I took a deep breath and walked in and straight up the the front desk where a grey haired lady in blue scrubs was sitting. "Can I help you ma'am?"

I answered, "Yes, I am Cami Anderson. I was told my husband Brody was in an accident." I don't know how I was even able to formulate words at this point. I just kept picturing the waves in my head to keep me grounded. She typed on a keyboard for a moment and then looked up at me with concerned eyes.

"He was brought in a few minutes ago. He's in our trauma unit right now. Take a seat and I will let the doctor know that you are here and he can give you an update." I nodded silently without a word and turned around to a room full of people. All of a sudden I realized how loud it was and I couldn't breath anymore. I ran to a hallway and slid down a wall trying desperately to find the waves again.

I started to panic, so I grabbed my phone and called the only person I could think of besides Brody.

"Cami Bear!!!" Her voice was loud and excited. "Where the hell have you been? I haven't heard from you in days. What the hell is wrong with you!?"

My voice was low and broken. "Brooke..." I couldn't say anything else, but she knew immediately something was wrong.

"Cami, what's happened?" Her happy loud demeanor had gone dark.

"Brooke it's Brody...." And at that moment the tears pushed out of my eyes and I began sobbing uncontrollably.

"Cami talk to me! What happened!?" She was panicked and I could tell.

"He was in an accident. I don't know what happened, but he's in the trauma unit and no one has talked to me yet. I don't know what to do. I can't lose him Brooke." She tried to calm me but I couldn't relax. I stayed on the phone with her for what felt like hours. Finally I saw a distraught man with messy grey hair and light green scrubs came running down the hall. I could see droplets of blood on his shoes.

"Mrs. Anderson?" He asked and my worst fears were coming alive before my eyes. All I could do was shake my head in acknowledgement as I stood up off the floor and pulled the phone to my side without hanging up. "Mrs. Anderson, I'm so sorry... We did everything we could." My eyes widened in disbelief. "I'm sorry, but your husband didn't make it." He just stood there looking defeated with sad eyes and his hands clasped in front of his body.

I couldn't move. I couldn't look away. I was stuck staring at the doctor praying that it wasn't real. That the whole situation was all a misunderstanding. "CAMILLA RAE!!" I heard screaming coming from the phone that was still clenched tightly in my hand. I slowly put the phone to my ear as I heard Brooke screaming.

"He's gone...." I said quietly into the phone as I gained a super human strength and threw my phone at the wall to my left and it shattered into a million pieces just like my heart just had.

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