Chapter 25: Shenanigans Pt. 1

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Dylan and I spent every night together.  Thursday night was the first night I stayed at his place though.  He had a fancy apartment downtown in some high-end building.  The place was gorgeous with floor to ceiling windows in the living room that face the ocean.  I could almost see my little yellow house from the 10th floor window as I stood there staring out into the night sky.

Dylan snuck up behind me putting his arms around my waist from behind.  I gasped a little as the touch sent electricity through my body.  I moved my hands over his and leaned into his chest with a smile as my body relaxed again.  He rested his head on my shoulder and we stood there silent watching the moon dance off the waves of the ocean.

He took a deep breath in and started to speak, "Is this crazy?"

I tensed up and turned my head to his with a confused look. "Is what crazy?"  I was worried that he might be having second thoughts about being with me and it made my stomach turn a little.

He smiled softly and moved his right hand to cup my cheek. He whispered, "That I'm falling for you already..."  He wouldn't break his eyes from mine and my face relaxed as a smile surfaced on my face.

I forced myself to look away as my face heated up. "Why would that be crazy?"  I turned my body around to face him and put my arms around his neck.  "Maybe the feeling is mutual.  Did you ever think of that?"

His smile grew as he pressed his lips to mine. 


I woke up Friday morning to a soft kiss on my cheek.  I opened my eyes slowly to see Dylan with a huge grin on his face.  "Happy Birthday gorgeous!" 

I smiled and sat up in the bed.  "Thanks Dyl."

He sat down next to me and put his hand on my cheek. "You sleep as long as you want.  I have coffee set to go at 9am for you.  Just rest today and I will plan to pick you up at 4 for your party, ok?"

I leaned into his hand and closed my eyes. "How did I get so lucky to find you, Mr. Steel?"

He laughed, "Uhh I think I almost laid you out on a bar floor, that's how."  We both laughed and he placed a lingering kiss on my forehead before getting up and heading to work.

I laid back down and went back to sleep as I was told.

I woke up to the coffee maker beeping that it was ready.  I got up and stretched next to the bed before I walked out into the kitchen.  It was so bright with those huge windows lining the apartment and I stopped and squinted my eyes for a second to let them adjust.  When I opened them back up, I saw a box on the counter with a big purple bow on it.  I immediately smiled knowing it was from Dylan.  I walked over and read the note sitting next to it.

I know you don't "love" your birthday anymore, but I'm on a mission to fix that.  You, Cami, are a breath of fresh air.  When I moved to SB, I was just trying to make a new start and forget about my past, but instead I met you.  You changed everything for me and you deserve the same.  I'm head over heals for you and I hope you know how truly special you are to me.  You are so much more to me than you realize and I want to show you the life you deserve.  Happy Birthday my beautiful Cami.  And hang on, because I am about to show you the ride of your life! <3

I couldn't stop smiling just thinking about this man.  How did I get so lucky?  I opened the box and inside it was a huge sea shell.  I pulled it out of the box and looked at it a little confused.  The letter and the shell didn't really go together and I felt like I was clearly missing something.  I set it down on the counter and looked inside the box, but it was now empty.  What the hell?

I walked over to the coffee maker and grabbed a mug from the cupboard.  I poured a glass of coffee, it was irish cream flavored and was amazing!  I stood on the other side of the kitchen staring at the shell trying to figure out the symbolism of it.  I was at a loss, so I went to my phone to change my focus.  There was a text message from Dylan that made no sense either.

Look inside.

Was he losing his mind or something?  I walked back over to the shell.  "Look inside."  I said it out loud because it still seemed crazy.  I picked up the shell and flipped it over and there it was.  A note sticking out of the shell! "Gah, stupid Cami...." I rolled my eyes at myself and then set the shell back down and opened the note.

Since I have to work part of the day, I wanted to make sure that you had happy things to do instead of moping around like I know you would.  So hate me if you want to, but you are officially on a scavenger hunt to lead you to the REAL birthday present.  Head home and start getting ready.  Your next clue will be waiting. <3  Let the shenanigans begin!

"You have got to be kidding me!"  I laughed and rolled my eyes realizing that he knew me better than I thought.  And he was good.  I downed the last of my coffee, set the mug in the sink, grabbed my stuff and headed out the door and to my house.

When I pulled up to the little yellow cottage, a bright blue note was taped to the door.  I walked up and pulled it off to read it.

You've made it this far hopefully without calling me to try and get out of this :-)  It's time to shower and get ready.  You need to be at the airport by 11:30 to pick up Brooke.  Get a move on!

He had not met Brooke yet, so I was confused.  How is she involved in all of this?  I wanted to call him and make him spill, but I also thought it was ridiculously sweet that he went through all of this trouble, so I figured it was worth playing along.  This birthday was certainly not going to be boring, and I couldn't help but smile as I walked into the house and into my bathroom to get ready.

I put on a purple tank top with a short jean skirt and my tan wedge sandals.  My hair was in it's usual wave, down and put on thick mascara before I left and headed to the airport.

I pulled up out front to my crazy best friend jumping up and down and waving me over to her. I got out and gave her a huge hug.  "Oh I missed you B!"

She squeezed back just as hard.  "Missed you too Cam.  I'm so excited!!!"  She could barely contain herself.

I pulled back and looked at her with a serious look. "I suppose you have my next clue?"  I raised my eyebrows at her.

She giggled uncontrollably, "Yes, but can I just tell you how amazing that guy is!?"

"Yes, I know," I agreed nodding my head and smiling. "Just give me my clue."

She reached into the side pocket of her suitcase and pulled out a yellow piece of paper.  I opened it up while she stood there practically shaking in excitement as I read it.

Now that all the players are here, it's time for lunch.  The Boardwalk Cafe is the perfect place for a birthday lunch with your best friend.  Enjoy it on me. <3

I took a deep breath, "Ok, well I guess we are headed to lunch!"

Brooke smiled at me and we got in the car to head to the cafe for lunch.

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