Chapter 30: Unexpected Visit

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The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months.  Brooke moved in with me and TJ and Dylan were still sharing his downtown condo.  The four of us were together almost all the time outside of work, and things were genuinely good.  They were great, in fact.  Dylan and I were practically inseparable and the "L" word was no longer a scary thing, but the norm.  

We were coming up on Thanksgiving and planned to have a Friendsgiving Celebration at my place in lieu of traveling to be with our families.  Tasha and her boyfriend Brandon were planning to come as well and everyone was looking forward to a fun, relaxing, and alcohol driven holiday on the beach.


It was the Monday before Thanksgiving and Dylan and I were hanging out at my place after dinner.  I was sitting on the bed indian style in my pj shorts and oversized t-shirt, and he was laying on his side propped up by his elbow in front of me when my phone rang.  My eyes furrowed as I looked at the name on the screen.

Dylan looked at me concerned. "Who is it Cam?"

I looked up at him utterly confused, "My sister...."

"I thought you don't talk to her? Maybe it's important." He rested a hand on my leg.

I nodded as he could be right. "Cora?"

"Hey Cami, how are you?" She was way too chipper.

"Fine. What's up? Is everything ok?"

"Uhh, yeah.  I'm actually in Santa Barbara and was wondering if you wanted to get together."

I was in shock.  To say we didn't have close relationship was the understatement of the century.  We didn't have a relationship at all in fact.  "Oh... Yeah sure.  When are you thinking?"

"Tomorrow?  Maybe a brunch type thing?"


"There is a cafe next to my hotel that they said is really good."

"Where are you staying?"

"The Ocean Inn. Are you familiar?"

I laughed. "Yeah it's walking distance from my place actually.  And the cafe next door is my amazing."

She chuckled lightly. "Oh.  Perfect.  So 10:30 tomorrow sound good?"

"Yeah I'll be there."

"Great. See you tomorrow."

I hung up and looked at Dylan with an even more confused look on my face.  "Well that is beyond weird."

Dylan sat up and grabbed my leg. "Everything ok?"

I forced a smile. "Yeah. I mean I think so.  She wants to have brunch tomorrow."

His eyes went wide. "Wait, she's here?!"

I laughed, "Yeah."


My sister Coraline, Cora for short, was 10 years older than me.  We were never close due to the age difference, and we actually grew even further apart the older we got.  She's the reason I got so close to Brooke.  I wanted that sister figure and since I didn't get it from Cora, when Brooke moved next door, we became sisters instead.  When my dad got transferred and moved us to Santa Barbara all those summers ago, Cora was already 25 and used it as an opportunity to leave with her boyfriend.  She ended up in London after traveling through Europe and South America for a couple years, and I hadn't seen or spoke to her since.  We were friends on Facebook, but all I knew about my sister was what she posted there.  She didn't ever come to California, she didn't attend my high school or college graduation, my wedding, and certainly didn't make an appearance at Brody's funeral.

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