Chapter 36: Divorce Round Two

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After making it back to Santa Barbara, the silence continued.  Dylan dropped me off at my house and left my suitcase on the doorstep before turning around and trying to walk straight back to his truck.

I grabbed his arm as he turned. "Is this how things are gonna be now?  You just shut me out and make me feel like shit for this?  I'm hurt too and you don't give a shit, do you?"

He pulled his arm away and rolled his eyes. "Stop it Cami.  Just stop, ok?"

I dropped my head and looked away from him as tears began to fall with fury from my eyes.  "Yeah, ok."

He took a deep breath and turned back towards me grabbing me in his arms and pulling me to his chest. "Damnit.... I'm sorry. I just feel like I am to blame for all of this and I hurt you.  You deserve better.  I'm just a loser who's can't even divorce someone right."  I sobbed into his chest. "I am so fucking sorry....."  He held me tighter as my sobs got more uncontrolled.

"Just go.  I... I can't do this."  I pulled away and unlocked the door before stepping inside.  

Before I shut the door, I saw Dylan turn back to his truck with his hands on his head. "FUCK!" 

I shut the door and slid to the ground letting the sobs come out as loud and ugly as they needed to.  My body was stuck right there on that floor and I had no control of the emotions running through me.

Once I could finally see a little through my blurry eyes, I reached for my phone to call Brooke.

Voicemail.....  So I tried TJ.

Voicemail..... They were still on their plane back from Washington.  I had no one.  So I did the only thing I could.  I stood up and walked straight to the cove.


I sat in the cove for hours.  I paced back and forth.  I sat in the sand.  I laid down in the sand.  I walked into the water.  I talked to myself.  I talked to Brody.  I cried.  And I cried some more.  As the sun started to set, I sat back down with my knees to my chest staring out at the waves going in and out.

All of a sudden there was a voice behind me, "Figured you would be out here..."

I jumped up and turned around to see TJ standing there in sweats and a t-shirt and a backwards hat.  "What are you doing here?"

He walked up to me and pulled me into his chest tight.  "Well I came home to Dylan freaking out and breaking shit in the condo, and after I finally got him to talk, I knew that you were probably in worse shape." I nodded as I started to cry again.  "When you weren't at the house I figured this is the only other place you could be."

"I think..... I think it's over...." I sobbed some more.  Seemed to be all I did.

He pulled me back and looked into my soggy eyes. "Hmm.... I doubt that."

"He can't even look at me!  He won't talk to me."  I took a deep breath. "He's fucking married......" I cried harder.

He pulled me back into his chest. "Oh Cami.... He loves you.  He will fix this."


After TJ finally managed to convince me to go inside, I ordered pizza and sat on the couch.  TJ grabbed some stuff for Brooke and headed back to the condo.  She was super excited about moving in with him, but the weather in Washington took a toll on her and she ended up sick as a dog.  He left her to sleep while he came to my rescue.  I still hadn't heard from Dylan, but TJ assured me that it would all work out and I needed to believe it.

I got a text from Dylan's sister while I was out at the cove: I am so glad you came to FL!  We absolutely love you!  Sorry for the drama.  We told you she was a crazy B!  We will see you again soon! <3

I loved her.  She was beyond sweet.  His whole family really was amazing.  My family didn't even acknowledge me on Christmas, but it didn't really surprise me.  I was just glad that the drama happened after Christmas instead of causing the whole trip to be ruined.

My pizza was delivered and as the delivery guy pulled out, Dylan's truck pulled in.  My heart sunk.  TJ said it would all work out, but I couldn't help the feeling that it wouldn't and that he was going to end things.

He walked up and I could see his eyes were red and puffy.  He had been crying.  I probably didn't look any better after 2 full days of violent sobbing.  My whole face felt stiff from the dried up tears.  

He walked up to the door but kept a good distance. "Can we talk?"

I moved out of the way and let him in without saying anything.  I shut the door behind him and took my pizza to the kitchen and set it on the counter.  "Pizza?"

He nodded. "Sure."

I opened the cabinet and grabbed 2 plates and set them down.  I grabbed a slice and he grabbed one and I sat down next to him at the island.  I couldn't look at him for fear of breaking down again.

"It's all being taken care of."  He took a bite of his pizza right after speaking.

I looked up at him. "What do you mean?"

He looked back and swallowed his pizza.  "My mom found my copy of the divorce decree and is hand delivering it to the courthouse tomorrow to be filed."

I felt a smile trying to take over my face. "So you will be officially divorced then?"

He smiled and grabbed my hand. "By noon tomorrow, it will all be fixed."

I jumped up and into his arms. He squeezed me tight. "I thought you were going to end things with me.  This is much better."

He laughed and pulled back to look at me. "Why in the hell would I end things?"

I shrugged. "I don't know.  Just the way you were acting scared me.  You've never pushed me away like that before."

He pulled me back to his chest. "I'm so sorry for that.  I was freaking out thinking I was going to lose you over it all."

"I told you that would never happen." I pulled back and looked into his eyes. "I told you this is forever.  You aren't gonna get rid of me that easy." I smiled and leaned into his lips.

"Thank god!"  He kissed me deeper before pulling back one more time. "I love you so much Cami."

"I love you too."  He picked me and carried me to the bedroom, leaving our dinner to get cold, but I don't think either of us cared.


A few days later the Brooke was finally feeling better and we were all back together.  We had managed to move Dylan in with me and Brooke into the condo and things were settling down from the divorce debacle.  The papers were filed and the divorce was official.  The crazy ex could no longer play her games, and it definitely made things easier for Dylan and I.  

Brooke and I were sitting on the patio watching Dylan and TJ toss a football around.  I started thinking about new years.  "Do you and TJ have plans for New Years?"

"Nope.  Hadn't talked about it."

"Hmm... We need to figure something out.  This is a big year to celebrate."  I smiled at Brooke.

She smiled back. "Ain't that the truth.  Too bad we can't go to NY."

I sat forward in my chair. "It's not as fun as it looks on tv.  It's cold and there are literally NO bathrooms."


"Yeah, people literally wear adult diapers to make it to midnight.  It starts to smell so bad." I made a stink face and laughed.

Brooke looked completely disgusted. "Eww... Seriously that is wrong."

I nodded.  "What about Vegas?"

"Ooooooh!!!! Yes!!"

We both jumped up and yelled for the guys.  They came up and we threw out our idea and they both loved it.  I noticed Dylan give TJ a funny look, but didn't think anything of it.  I went inside and booked us a suite at the MGM for 2 nights.  It was the last room available, so we really lucked out.  We opted to fly into Vegas because the 8 hour drive did not sound great to come home hung over.  We split up and got packed to head out the next day.

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