Chapter 33: Coming To Terms

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Brooke and I looked at each other with wide eyes and then ran to the back porch to put a stop to the fight. Dylan had backed away and TJ was just standing there with his hands on his head.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" I stood at the door, making sure not to pick a side of whatever pissing match they were creating.

Dylan turned around and leaned over with his hands on his thighs. "I'm sorry Cami."

I looked at him and then to TJ who looked back at me with an apologetic face.

"I'm sorry too. I deserved it. It was all my fault." He turned and walked down the steps and towards the beach. Brooke followed him.

I walked over to Dylan and leaned against the rail of the patio. "What the hell happened?"

He stood up and looked at me with tears in his eyes. "I'm so sorry. I got pissed because I confided in him and he just completely disregarded it." He shook his head and closed his eyes.

I stood up off the rail and walked in front of him and put my arms around his waist. "Hey, listen..." He looked up at me and put his arms around my neck. "TJ knows me and my daily struggles. He knows the things I fear before I realize I'm afraid. He doesn't want me to make a mistake because I'm afraid, and then ruin everything that makes me happy because of it."

He dropped his arms, "So he told you everything.... Great." He shook his head and tried to pull away from me.

I grabbed his shirt and held him tighter towards me. "No... He only told me that I should prepare so that I answer correctly." I grabbed his face with one hand and made him look at me. "All I know is that I love you, and you love me, and one day you MAY ask me to marry you. And if or when that day comes, I will be ready. I will be ready to tell you that I will, because you are my meant to be." His eyes teared up again and mine did the same. "I may be terrified in 100 different ways and for a million reasons, but I know that you are my forever, and I am grateful that TJ was able to help me see that. The last thing I want to do is make the wrong decision and ruin this." I pointed back and forth between the two of us. "Because I could freak out and mess it all up if I'm caught off guard, and I don't want to do that!" The last part came out in sobs.

He pulled me tight with one hand behind my neck and the other around my waist and looked into my glassy eyes. "Damnit! I love you so much." Before I could respond our lips crashed together. When he pulled away he kept me close. "I guess I owe TJ an apology."

I laughed. "You guys ARE kinda even now if you think about it..." I looked up at him and giggled. Then I pulled away and pointed to the beach. "Go... Go resolve your little bromance." I shook my head and he walked out to the beach towards TJ.


Luckily the rest of the night was uneventful and everyone got along. Friday morning came far too quick and we were a house full of hangovers. My sister texted me early letting me know that she would be over around noon so we could spend some more time together before her flight out. I was kind of excited to see her again and have some time to bond with her. I got up at 10 and ate breakfast with everyone before going to get ready.

I walked out of the bathroom in just a towel to see Dylan sitting on the bed waiting for me. "Hey you." I smiled and straddled him put my arms around his neck.

He smiled and wrapped his arms around my back. "Hey gorgeous." He kissed my forehead. "So we didn't really talk more about Christmas last night."

He was right. His little rift with TJ consumed the end of the night. "Are you having second thoughts or something?" I winked.

He laughed and pulled me closer to him as the towel started to loosen. "Absolutely not... Just wanted to get a sober answer that you really want to come."

"Of course I do."

"Ok, good. My mom is really excited to meet you." He smiled bigger. "Well everyone is really."

I pulled back a little. "Wait, have you told your whole family about me?"

"Well yeah of course. Why wouldn't I tell them that I found the girl of my dreams?"

I giggled. "I dunno.... Weren't they close to your ex? Will that be weird?"

He laughed. "They hated her!" He laughed harder as he picked me up and pulled the towel off.

"Ahhhh," I screamed and giggled.

He laid me down on the bed and hovered over me burying his mouth into my neck peppering kisses all over me. "Your sister may need to wait a few extra minutes." He flashed that dangerous smile of his.

I didn't move and looked him square in the eyes. "She can wait." I wrapped my arms around him and pulled his body to mine.


My sister showed up late, thank goodness, and I was just finishing my make-up when she got there. Dylan was a bundle of smiles after our little morning fun, and I couldn't help but stare at him as long as possible until I walked out the door after a quick kiss.

Cora and I went downtown to grab a bite to eat and do a little shopping. We were getting along well and realized we had a lot in common. She liked writing, and obviously I was an editor, so we talked about my job and some of the recent projects I was a part of. She let me know that she finished her journalism degree in London and was going to New York to talk with a newspaper there about an internship. I got her some contacts of people I knew there that could potentially help her out as well. Our time together went quickly, but I knew that after the last few days, that we were going to stay in contact. I was really looking forward to it.

I ended up taking her to the airport to catch her flight. As I pulled up to the drop-off area, she turned to me with tears in her eyes. "Oh Cami...." I reached out and held her hand. "Thank you so much for letting me spend this time with you. I have missed you so much."

"I have missed you too. It's pretty cool having a sister." I smiled as my eyes welled up with tears. We got out of the car and stood on the curb with her suitcase by her side. "Thank you for reaching out. Please keep in touch." I pulled her into a hug.

As we hugged, she spoke quietly into my ear. "I am so proud of you Cami. You have grown into an amazing, strong woman. I love you."

I pulled away as we both cried. "I love you too Cora. Have a safe flight." She nodded and turned to walk into the airport.

As I got back in my car and drove home I just hoped that she would keep in touch and that our relationship would continue to grow.  While I was stopped at a red light, I pulled out my phone and texted my mom. 

Hey mom!  Can you believe that Cora came to visit me?  Call me. Please. I love you.

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