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This is a sequel to another story "Ride" please read that one first! If I get another message from someone saying light doesn't make sense I will die.



I looked straight forward down the long aisle and smiled at Harry who looked back at me. He wore his suit so well. I looked around and everyone was there. Our families united together as I took the first step with my hand hooked around my father's arm.

"Mommy!" I looked over and Daisy was standing on one of the chairs. Her curly dark brown hair and green eyes looked at me as she jumped on one of the chairs. "Mommy!"

"Honey what are you doing mommy and daddy are about to get married!" I told her. "Where's your dress?"

"Mommy we're going to be late!" Suddenly my eyes opened and I was in my familiar room. I looked up and Daisy smiled at me wide. Her little teeth and cute dimples made me look around at the time. It was 6 in the morning. I looked at Harry who was passed out asleep.

"Toots, I told you we had to be up at 7." I lay back down.

"But today is my first day of school, you need to do my hair!" I sighed at the almost four-year-old and looked over at her father. "Shh, daddy's sleeping." She told me.

I rolled my eyes falling back in the bed. "I know daddy's sleeping, so was mommy." She went over and cuddled into me. "I'm awake, today is going to be a good day," I said trying to say positively.

"Why?" Daisy asked.

"Because it's my first day at work." I reminded her. She nodded. "Why don't you wake up daddy?" She nodded getting up on the bed. She was in her pajamas and her hair was a mess. She went and sat on Harry's back.

She began rubbing the top of his head and sang. "Wake up daddy, it's a beautiful day!" Harry groaned. "Wake up daddy, things are going your way!" I laughed at how she sang her song that Harry would sing to her in the mornings. "Uhh, I forgot the song." She looked at me.

Harry raised his head. "Wake up Daisy, it's time to play!" He sang the last part. She clapped and reached down to kiss him. "Morning!" He turned so she was sitting on his stomach. "Young lady it is 6 in the morning," Harry said still sleepy.

"It's my first day of school!" She said as she put her hands on Harry's face. "I go to preschool, I'm a big girl!" Harry laughed.

He looked at me and smiled. "Good morning baby."

"Good morning my love." I leaned over and gave him a kiss, but was stopped by a little hand.

"No kisses, I want pancakes!" We looked at her for a second before she huffed. "Please."

"Alright, go get your slippers on and I'll be right there." She got up and I looked at Harry. "Kiss me before she comes back." He chuckled grabbing me to lay on him. I kissed him for a minute and then patted his chest. "Can you make her pancakes while I get dressed." He nodded. "Thanks, baby, are you going to work today?" I asked.

"Yeah I have to drive with Louis down to the shop we're meeting up soon, remember." He got up and stretched. He grabbed a shirt and a pair of pants and went out to find Daisy watching cartoons.

Today was my first day as a first-grade teacher. I was excited because I had my own classroom and everything. A lot has changed over the past almost four years. Both Harry and I graduated from college and I decided to be a teaching assistant. This year they had an opening for a first-grade teacher and I was hired.

Light. (Sequel To Ride) Where stories live. Discover now