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During my lunch today I was in my classroom on the phone with Harry. "I think you should go to London and support your mom." He sighed. "It's major surgery, baby."

"I want to, but I need you there." Anne was having another surgery and although she didn't say anything, I know it would mean a lot if Harry was there for her.

"Baby, I would be there in a heartbeat, but spring break is next week and Daisy is looking forward to that camping trip with my parents. I have so much crap that needs to be done here. It's only a few days, you can live without me a few days right?" He huffed on the phone. "Baby love?"

"Yeah, I can, but I don't want to." I giggled. There was a knock at my door and then the last person I wanted to see was in my room. I put the phone to my chest so Harry couldn't hear.

"Get out," I told him. "I don't want to see you."

Ashton must have not noticed I was on the phone. "I just came to talk to you."

"I said get out!" He looked down and turned to walk out.

"Who was that?" Harry asked. "Is it that son of a bitch I'll kill him I swear-"

"He left baby, he's gone. What an asshole, coming in here." I rubbed my temples. "I lost my train of thought." The bell rang and I sighed. "I have to go I'll see you after, think about what I told you." We said our goodbyes and I hung up walking out to open my door. Ashton stood out by my classroom. "Can I help you with something, you know how fucked up it is for you to try to talk to me?" I said annoyed. "I am one phone call away from my husband beating your ass," I warned him.

"I want to apologize." He looked at me. "I'm so sorry Jane you have to understand that I love my wife. I had a moment of weakness, it's just that I thought you were flirting. I felt something."

"Well good for you, what you felt was me being nice. Stay away from me and my classroom." He looked at me for a second before turning around and walking away. I rolled my eyes looking over at my kids who were unaware of what an asshole Mr. Irwin was.


I helped pack Harry's suitcase as he double checked his flight time. I rolled up his clothes as small as I could, knowing Harry he would just have everything in here all unorganized.

"Do you want me to pack a sweater?" He nodded writing something down on a piece of paper. "Black socks?" Again he nodded. I went into his dresser and pulled out underwear. "Remember to unpack, and as you change put the clothes back into the suitcase."

"I don't want to go without you." He said for the hundredth time. Every time Harry has gone to England he's gone with me, but I couldn't leave Daisy behind. Besides, he needed to see his mom alone. "I'm going to miss you." He said looking down.

I smiled walking over to him to put my arms around him. "I'll miss you too. But we'll call each other before bed and in the mornings, no matter what okay. And it's only for a week." He nodded. "Help me finish packing." Just then Daisy came in and looked at the suitcase. "Hi, toots."

"Hi, mommy! Hi, daddy." He pouted picking her up and holding her like a baby. "Silly daddy I'm a big girl." He shook his head.

"No you are my little baby, and I love you." He kissed her forehead and tickled her sides. "Daddy has to go see Nana for a few days, I'm going to be back on Sunday, okay?" She nodded hugging him. He looked sad but hugged her tight. "I'll call you every night to sing you a goodnight song okay?"

"Okay, I'll miss you." She snuggled into her dad's chest. "Are you going to take your shirt I gave you?" He nodded quickly. "You can take Bunny so you don't get lonely." She smiled gently making my heart melt.

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