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I woke up in the morning and immediately remembered it was my birthday. I looked at the time on our clock that read five in the morning.

I turned over to find Harry awake watching a video on his phone. He was used to getting up early now, my old man.

He didn't notice I was awake so he just watched it in the darkroom. It was a video of a guy doing stunts on a bike, typical Harry.

I looked at him and smiled. Today was also our anniversary, five years together today. I smiled and stretched my arm out slowly to snuggle into his side.

Thinking I was still asleep he kissed my head gently and held me close. "Why are you up so early?" I whispered. We had gone to bed early last night because we both worked late. Daisy even went to bed on time.

"I literally woke up ten minutes ago." He said in his raspy morning voice. "Happy birthday."

"Happy anniversary." He leaned down to kiss me.

"You know if I ever forget today, I'm double fucked for it." I giggled. He turned off the video and snuggled into my chest. "Mmm, baby, you're so soft." He put his head between my breasts. I was in a short nightgown so I was pretty exposed.

"You know what we haven't done in a long time?" He nodded his head. "Cuddled naked." He looked up at me and smiled. We usually get dressed right away after sex, but it's been a long time since we just lay in bed naked.

"Should I lock the door?" I nodded. He got up while I took off my pink nightgown waiting for him to come back. He walked out of the room and came back a minute later. "She's still sleeping." He closed the door and locked it, taking off his shorts, jumping into bed with me. He ran his hand down to my butt, just squeezing it softly. I looked into his eyes as he moved his hand down my butt to my thigh and lifted my leg to intertwine with his. He kissed my neck and hummed, "You smell so good, my soft baby smells like heaven."

"You are so cute." I grabbed his cheeks. "Why are you so sweet to me?" He smiled playfully.

"I fell in sugar when I was a baby." I snorted making him laugh. "I'm sweet because you're my baby love, and I love you." I kissed him and touched his chest.

"I love you more," I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Not possible." He kissed my lips.

If anyone heard harry when he talked like this, they would be shocked that a guy as tough as he looks, was really just a big baby.

He held me close and I kissed below his ear. Grabbing my ass, I flinched as his hand slipped too low in my butt crack. "Watch it, mister," I warned him.

"What?" He smirked.

"That's the wrong hole." I pulled away. "Don't touch it, don't look at it, and don't think about looking at it." He laughed.

"I've seen it, it's not a big deal." I gasped. "Baby, when you bend over I see it. It's there, who cares." He shrugged. I thought about it and asked him.

"Have you ever wanted to try anal?" He shook his head. "Really?"

"Sometimes when we make love or fuck, whatever you want to call it. I think to myself, 'what if this was me?' You know?" I nodded. "So like choking, I thought if Jane wants to choke me she can. Same with spanking, if you spanked me I would be like 'okay no big deal.' But if I put something in your butt, I wouldn't want something in my butt." He explained.

"Huh, that's a good way to put it. You would let me choke you?" He shrugged. I smirked getting closer. "You'd let me have my way with you?" He nodded. "Could I tie you up?" He gulped.

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