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It was early Sunday morning when the doorbell rang. Harry was asleep so I put on my robe and went out to open the front door.

I opened it and was shocked to see Anne stand there. "Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry to wake you up."

I gasped hugging her, feeling her arms immediately hugging me back.

As I helped her inside she whispered. "Sorry I didn't call, it was a last minute flight, I came to see my babies."

"Oh well, they're all asleep, please sit down. Are you hungry or thirsty?" She nodded taking off her jacket, walking with me to the kitchen. It was six am so it wasn't too early. Harry or I get up around we've  to make pancakes on Sunday mornings anyway.

"How's Harry?" I sighed.

"Well he refuses to take his pain meds which I understand, but he complains and cries most of the night until he falls asleep." She made a face. "He won't take anything stronger than the drugstore brand. But, I mean, his ribs are broken and he dislocated his shoulder and elbow, so it does nothing." I complained getting out the stuff for pancakes.

"I see, well why doesn't he take the medicine." I sat with her while we waited for the coffee.

"Well, Harry's had some trouble with pain meds before, like with alcohol." She looked stunned.

"Harry had a drinking problem?" She blinked.

"Anne did you not know?" She shook her head. "Yeah, he's been sober for almost five years." She smiled. "His last drink was actually the night you called him for the first time. He never touched a bottle again."

"I had no idea, well I'm happy for him." She wiped her eyes. I stood to pour her some coffee and began making pancakes while we talked and eventually I heard Daisy calling for me.

"Mommy!" She cried. I walked over to her room and she sat with Mickey on the floor. "I had a bad dream." She cleaned her face.

"Aww toots, I'm sorry. It's okay now, alright." I kissed her head. "I have a surprise for you?" I walked her out to the living room and she gasped.

"Nana!" She ran and hugged Anne. She began talking to her and hugging her as I went to make Harry's coffee. I walked into the room and he was still asleep.

I went to set the coffee down and slowly I ran my fingers through his hair. "Harry?" I softly whispered. "My love." He groaned moving his head. "Can you wake up please?" His eyes opened and he looked confused.

"What's wrong?" He looked around. "You okay?"

"Yeah baby, your mom is here?" He looked surprised as he tried to get up. I helped him slowly, doing the stretches the doctor recommend, he scratched his head and looked at the coffee.

"For me?" I nodded. "Thank you." I kissed his cheek and sat beside him.

"How do you feel today?" I rubbed his back.

"Sore, and tired." He leaned against me. "My side hurts a lot." It hurt me so much to see him in this much pain.

"Well, I made breakfast if you're hungry." I sighed thinking about what I had just told Anne. "You never told your mom about your alcohol problem?" He looked at me and shrugged.

"I assume you had told her." I sighed in relief as he didn't sound angry. "I have nothing to be ashamed about, I'm sober." I gently hugged him and kissed the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah, and I'm proud of you." He smiled. He stood and groaned at his side. "Baby, I know you don't want to but-" I began to suggest he at least take something stronger for his pain.

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