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Sara walked into the small kitchen of her parents RV to find Harry sitting there with his parents drinking again. He laughed at something her dad said and looked at Sara. Inside he was annoyed that he was leading her on, but he couldn't come up with a way to let her down easy. She smiled at him and he decided in his drunk state, he was going to break this off.

"Well I have to go, I gotta go sleep, I have shit to do tomorrow." Her parents nodded waving goodbye.

"I'll walk you out." The blonde girl who had just turned nineteen said to him. He walked out and put his jacket on, stumbled a bit but shook it off. "Hey Tarzan, I'm leaving tomorrow." She told him as she walked him to his bike. "Are you going to miss me?"

"Yeah babe, I'll miss you." He looked around confused to where he was. "Help me to my bike, yeah?" She nodded holding his arm as they walked. He had now forgotten what he was supposed to say.

She talked about school and how she still wasn't sure what she wanted to do yet. College was important to her, it was her life here that she wanted to keep the same. But she was leaving. "I mean I should study something smart."

"You should just cook or bake, you make good cookies." He slurred finding his bike. "Oh good, my tent wasn't stolen," he cheered. "You want a drink?" He asked her. She nodded following him inside the tent. They sat there while Harry opened his book of pictures she really liked.

"You should visit me in Boston when you come back from L.A." He nodded. "Harry, do you care about me?" He looked at her taking a swig of Jack. If you looked at him, he seemed fine, but on the inside, he was cold, empty, and wasted. He was good at composing himself, but god forbid he ever got on that bike in his state of mind.

"Sure." He laid back. She sat up and took off her shirt. Harry seemed confused. "What are you doing?"

"I love you, Harry, I want you to be my first before I go off to college." Harry felt bad, horrible because he could feel himself blacking out, things became difficult to understand.

"I love you too?" He blinked feeling his heart get colder. He didn't love her, he didn't want to do this, but she was kissing him. She was the only person that cared for him. She was touching him, and then, everything went black.

When Harry woke up the next morning he was confused. What had happened last night. He looked around and found a paper.


Last night meant a lot, I'll be back in November, call me.


Harry crumbled the note and stood to put on his clothes. "I have to get the fuck out of here," he said to himself. Nothing was going to tie him down, nothing and no one.



"Baby, can you fix my stupid tie?" I called Jane. She walked into our room from the closet in her pink dress and I whistled. "Wow, you look stunning." She blushed walking up to fix my tie.

Today was her parent's vow renewal and we were getting ready earlier so we could make it to the photos. She finished my tie and looked at my hair.

"Put a little gel or something, you're hair looks messy." I gasped. "Please, we don't have time for you to be offended, just do it for me." I saluted her walking to the bathroom. She called out for Daisy while I did my hair quickly. I closed the bathroom door and grabbed my suit jacket and Jane's shoes.

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