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My mum showed up unexpectedly a few days after I saw Desmond. She walked into the house and was stunned to find me the way I was.

My jaw and knuckles were scattered with purple and blue from the hits my father gave me and I returned right back to him.

So was my neck, but those happened to be love bites from Jane.

"Harry, what did you do?" She asked as she noticed my bruised face.

"Desmond." I carried her things inside.

"Your father did this?"

"No mum, well yes, but I kicked his ass too." Her brow furrowed. "Listen I needed to do this alright, I couldn't sit there and listen to him without kicking his ass first." She shook her head, clearly disappointed in me. "I'm sorry."

"No you're not, you are not a child Harry." Daisy came in cheering that her nana was back, cutting the tension.

Jane came in as well and hugged her closely. They went to sit down and have tea together when my phone suddenly rang. I looked down and it was Desmond.

"Hello," I answered.

"Harry, sorry to call so early. I was wondering if I could drop by before I leave." I sighed looking over at Jane and my mum.

"My mum's here," I stated. "You're welcome to come, but she might not be as welcoming."

It was quiet and then he cleared his throat."Ask her if she would be okay seeing me." I blinked surprised. I put him on hold and went over.

"Mum?" She looked at me clearly still mad. "He'd like to know if he could stop by." Her face dropped and she took a deep breath.

"Yes, I have a few words to say to him."

When Desmond arrived, I almost wanted to laugh at how I had left his face. His nose was purple, his lip was busted open, and his eye black. He looked at me reaching out to shake my hand. "Come in, please." He sat down on the couch and I went to go tell my mum he was here, but she was fixing her hair while Jane was applying makeup. "What are you doing?" I asked quietly.

"She's proving a point, Harry." Jane shrugged. "You always have to look better than your ex. You gave him a disadvantage because you broke his nose."

My mother cleared her throat and thanked Jane before walking into the living room. I followed behind and saw his eyes widen.

"Anne." He smiled. "You look amazing."

My mother looked him up and down and sighed. "What a shame you used to have a great body." She sat down. "Harry give us a minute." I quickly turned back towards the kitchen where Jane was sitting at the entrance of the living room.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Shh, from right here you can hear everything." I got down on the floor and listened. Luckily the kids were still asleep and Daisy was in her room making something for her nana.

"...you have a lot of nerve hitting my son." My mum said.

"He wanted to fight me, I let him. He's a lot stronger than me he could have killed me if I didn't hit him back." Des spoke calmly.

"You left with that woman?" She suddenly said. "You left your kids, why?"

"You left me, clearly we didn't love each other anymore." He retorted back.

"I always loved you, even when you hit me and treated me the way you did. I was the fool in love with a monster. We had begun fixing us and then you tell me you have a son with another woman. You left your son out in the cold and took your new son instead. It wasn't about me Des, it was about your children. Why didn't you love our kids?"

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