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I walked into the small banquet room and looked around. My mom proudly told us how the small ceremony and reception would look like. "Well, what do you think?" She asked me. I looked at the flowers and food, smiling at how lovely it was.

"Looks like a lot of decisions to make." My mom shushed me. Although I had a point, my mom was a very simple woman with simple tastes. "Aren't you nervous?"

"Oh honey, it's not that big of a deal, just a little party where your dad and I restate our love for each other. It's not a big wedding." She smiled walking to where we were testing cakes. The banquet room had a catering staff and a pastry chef. All the flowers and arrangements were made through them if you wanted as well.

We sat down, my mom looking at the time. My sister came in at that moment with her hair all disheveled and her makeup slightly smeared. "Sorry I'm late, it's raining outside, and this is not waterproof mascara." She sat down and tied her hair up. I cleaned under her eye and she thanked me. "I want cake." She told me making me giggle.

A woman came out holding a tray of cake samples and my stomach dropped at the familiar tall blonde.

It was Harry's ex-girlfriend, Sara. "Hi I'm Sara, I'm the pastry chef and I'll be showing you guys the samples for your cake." She looked at me and smiled. "Jane right?" I nodded.

"Yeah, nice to see you again." Phoebe and my mom looked at us.

"How do you two know each other?" My mom asked.

"Oh-" I began, but she interrupted.

"I used to know her-well I don't know if you two are still together?" I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah still together, happily married, would you like to see our daughter?" Her smile dropped as I pulled my phone out to show her the screen. It was a picture of the three of us on my birthday. I was such a petty person for showing her the photo.

"Oh, congratulations." I thanked her. "Nice to see things worked out for you." She commented slightly emphasizing the 'you'.

"Yes, they did." I smiled. "They worked out for us."

She began serving us cakes and I complimented how good they were. I wasn't going to say anything, but leave it to my mom to say the wrong thing.

"Have you and Harry decided on a date for your wedding?" Sara's jaw slacked as she put another piece of cake in front of my mom.

"No, not yet mom." I took a bite of the cake. We ended up finishing and my mom decided to just get some type of chocolate and a layer of strawberry cake, my dad's favorite.

Before we left, my mom spoke to the chef while we waited by the door. Sara walked out and came over to me. "Jane, how is Harry?" She asked. "My parents would want to know?" I smiled awkwardly.

"He's fine, he finished college and owns a shop." She smiled. "How are your parents?"

"Does he ever talk about me?" Phoebe covered her mouth and walked away, probably trying not to laugh.

This was sad.

"No Sara, he doesn't." She looked down disappointed. My mom walked towards us and I waved at her. "Bye Sara."

When we walked out of the place Phoebe got close and looked at me. "That's the ex? Dude, he upgraded big with you." I laughed shaking my head. Sara wasn't ugly, she was actually very pretty, but a good sister is always supportive.

My mom walked beside us and shook her head at Phoebe.

"Honey you two seemed very passive-aggressive with each other." She shook her head. "Isn't she just the ex, you're the wife, you won at her little game." I shrugged not really caring.

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