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Jane ended up loving the house. It was nice, spacious, and not that expensive in rent. Well, it was more than planned, but it is nice.

Today I had promised her I would help her clean out the house and garage after her doctor visit. She had an appointment to check on her and the babies so I went with her.

Daisy sat there beside me as the doctor checked her. "Why is that doctor touching mommy in her lady's place?"

"That's how the doctor makes sure everything is okay with mommy and the babies." She nodded sort of understanding.

She sat up and hugged me, something she's been doing a lot lately.

"Alright Jane, everything seems good, let me have you lift up your shirt a bit more to measure your belly." She lifted up her shirt and I smiled at the big bump. The doctor placed the gel on and moved around the ultrasound machine. "Oh look at that, still two."

I stared up at the screen and pointed them out to Daisy, who looked and gasped.

"Woah." I laughed. Suddenly the sound of a heartbeat began playing through the room, then two. The doctor was looking and then sighed.

"Well, the kids look good, good size and sound good. Five months next week and you're right on track. I do suggest you take some bed rest, your blood pressure was a little higher than usual. I'm going to write you a note for work." She checked her chart and sighed. "How is your diet, you've only gained ten pounds in total."

"I eat, all the time, it's odd these kids are sucking the fat out of me and putting it into my stomach." Jane shrugged. The doctor suggested some foods and to remain active. After we were finished Jane walked beside me towards the car. She sighed looking at me. "I'm hungry now." She pouted.

"What does my baby want?" I kissed her head.

"Chicken wings and pizza." She pouted.

"Again, Jane we had that a few days ago." She looked up at me with her big brown eyes and I sighed. "No Jane, we should get something we can all have. Something different for the babies and us." Her face became blank as she got in the car. Daisy was playing with her tablet that her Nana bought her for Christmas so she didn't even realize Jane was crying in the front seat. "Jane?"

"Leave me alone, you hate me." She turned away as I drove. I rolled my eyes passing the chicken wing place making her gasp. "You dick, you actually didn't stop to get me my wings?" I nodded driving towards a restaurant.

When we made it inside I ordered Daisy and myself some tacos while Jane looked at the menu angry with me. "Stop pouting," I told her.

"You suck." She said without looking at me.

"Mommy, why are you mad?" Daisy asked drinking her juice.

"Because angel, daddy didn't want to stop to get me chicken wings," Jane said smiling at Daisy. As young as Daisy was, she understood a lot more than we gave her credit for.

"But daddy, mommy is having two babies." Jane put the menu down and gave me a look.

"The child speaks the truth, I'm having the enchiladas." She crossed her arms. "What kind of place doesn't have chicken wings on their menus?"

"A place I picked out." She rolled her eyes.


Later that night I rolled over and Jane was nowhere to be seen. It was Friday night so it was odd for her to be working so she was probably getting a midnight snack.

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