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I sat in my classroom eating lunch while Harry complained over the phone about traffic. "Are you going to be able to pick up Daisy?" I asked him frustrated with my printer. It wouldn't load the work page for after lunch.

"Yeah I'm like ten minutes away, what are you doing?" He asked probably hearing me hitting the printer. I looked down at my salad and shrugged.

"Eating lunch, this printer sucks," I groaned. The bell was supposed to ring soon and I needed this. I rolled my eyes. "I have to go, tell Daisy she has to practice writing her name, okay?"

"Will do, I'll see you at home, love you." He said back.

"Love you more."

"Kiss?" I sighed sending him a kiss over the phone. "Okay bye." We hung up and I grabbed my USB port and walked out to the office. As I walked out one of the campus supervisors waved to me. I smiled and waved back. Walking towards the office the teacher from the other day came out.

"Mrs. Styles, how are you?" He waved.

"Great, just need to print something out." He made a face.

"There's a line at the big printer if you'd like you can use mine." I followed him to his classroom where he let me use his computer. I printed out everything and thanked him for my stack of papers. As I was about to leave he stopped me. "Listen my son Mikey is in your daughter's class. He kept talking about Daisy and when my wife told me her last name I asked and found out."

"The little blonde boy, Mike is your son?" He nodded turning a picture frame on his desk. "Yeah Daisy mentioned him, I guess they're friends." I smiled.

"Yes, well we're having a birthday party for him on Saturday, he's turning four and we were wondering if your family would like to come?" He handed me the invitation.

"Oh, of course, we'll be there. What does he like, toys?" He pushed his glasses up.

"Oh, whatever is appreciated, as long as your daughter comes he'll be happy." I smiled. Just then the bell rang. I waved and went back to my classroom to let my kids back in.

"Jeremy no pushing please?" I said for the third time today.


When I got home on Friday Harry was making dinner and had cleaned the house. "You know my birthday isn't for another week." I joked.

He smiled. "Louis and Olivia are coming over, and I invited your sister and Niall. We're having a friendly dinner." I knew what he was talking about. I hadn't asked Phoebe about her friend. "She's bringing her friend."

"She is?" He nodded. "Well let me get out of these clothes. Where's Daisy?" He sighed setting down the knife.

"She's in trouble, she apparently threw a pencil at a girl, and she refused to tell me why. The teacher said he saw it but doesn't know what happened." I raised an eyebrow. "So I told her no tv tonight and she has to practice writing her name until you got home."

"Nice parenting, I'm going to talk to her." I was about to walk in when Mickey came out of her room and barked at me. "Mickey, go." The dog didn't move.

"It's okay Mickey, it's mommy," Daisy told the dog who looked at her and then went back to lay on his bed.

"Hi, baby." She smiled at me. "What happened at school?" She sat up and went to sit with me.

"Promise no tell daddy." She told me. I promised her. "Nina is my class said daddy's drawings on his arm are bad. And she said that he's a bad guy." She was defending her dad.

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