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I walked into Daisy's classroom waving at her. She looked up at me and smiled shyly. I signed my name and the teacher excused her.

She walked up to me instead of running how she usually does. "Hey toots." She smiled but didn't hug me.

"Hi, dad." My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. She was still mad. She was worse than when Jane was mad. Just like Jane she had her arms crossed as we walked together instead of holding my hand.

"Are you still mad at me, angel?" She nodded as I picked her up to put her in her seat. "Daisy, why are you mad at daddy?"

"Because." She crossed her arms. I decided to ignore it and close her door. I drove us to the shop and all she did was look out the window, just like her mother.

"If you want to be mad at me that's fine, but know that daddy's sorry okay?" She nodded. "Now I guess since you're mad at me, we can't go see the puppies." I shrugged. Her eyes widened and she got an excited look on her face.

"I want to see the puppies, please daddy!" She began freaking out. I smirked at how easily she forgave me. Just like her mommy.

I drove towards the animal shelter near the school where Daisy was obsessed with looking at the dogs.

She and I would go every now and then to play with the dogs and I would give her a couple of dollars to donate to teach her to always give back.

I parked the car and took her out of her seat where she jumped into my arms and cheered. "Excited?"

"Yes, I love puppies!" She hugged my shoulders. We walked all the way in and signed in. I carried her to the glass windows where the dogs were kept. The look on her face was the same as Jane's when I surprised her. Although she looked more like me with her dimples and green eyes, she had the same reactions as Jane.

"Let's see if auntie Phoebe is here?" Jane's sister worked as one of the office workers.

We walked around the hallways and Daisy smiled widely at all the dogs. In one of the windows was a husky who just had puppies and was feeding them.

"I want a sister." She said looking at me. "Can mommy have a baby?"

"Uh not now because mommy just started working toots." She looked disappointed, telling me she gets lonely with no little sister.

"Daddy where do babies come from?" Damnit, why is she asking me this question? Usually, she'd ask Jane questions and Jane knew how to answer them perfectly.

"Oh, babies come from the mommy's tummy." She nodded. Walking over to see the other dogs.

"But how do they come out?" Oh my god, I can't handle this.

"Well- oh look it's aunt Phoebe!" Thank god. Phoebe walked over and hugged Daisy. She looked at me weird and I had almost forgotten about my bruised nose.

"Hey cutie, hey dude." She smiled. "What happened to your face?" She asked.

"Oh, I scared mommy and daddy last night." She said. "Auntie, can I see the puppies?"

Phoebe smiled. "Of course lets go." She took her to a room where you can play with the dogs you were planning on adopting, to see if you get along with them. Phoebe pulled out a German shepherd.

"Okay Daisy, this is Mickey he's five years old and is very friendly." Daisy grabbed a ball and threw it. The dog ran over and picked it up. He walked it over and put it at her feet. "He's trained so he knows how to sit." The dog sat. "Down." The dog laid down. "Shake." He put his paw up and Daisy giggled holding it. "His owner passed away and I guess their daughter didn't want him." She said. "What happened to your nose?" She asked quietly.

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