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I was sitting in my classroom during lunch listening to music and eating while grading math homework. My classroom door opened and in walked Amy Moore, one of the other teachers who Ashton harassed. "Jane?"

I lowered the music and waved to her. "Amy, what's up?" She came over and set a cupcake on my desk.

"Happy birthday." I smiled.

"Aww, thank you I'm glad someone remembered." This morning Harry didn't even acknowledge that it was my birthday and our seven-year anniversary. He dressed the kids and gave me a kiss as if it was any other day.

"Well, it was posted in the teacher's lounge. How come you don't socialize with all the other teachers." She asked.

"I feel like they don't like me since the whole Ashton thing, everyone thinks I got him fired for no reason. He almost ruined my marriage. " She shook her head. "My husband had him arrested."

She smiled. "How?" I explained everything and she seemed relieved.

"I just feel bad for his son." I crossed my arms.

"He did this himself, Jane." I nodded.

After work, I took Daisy to pick up the kids and then over to my parent's house. My mom called me and told me to stop by. I assumed it was a party, but as I walked into a bunch of boxes, I put that thought behind me.

"Oh sweetpea good thing you're here, I have some old boxes from the attic that belong to you." I sighed handing her Violet and then handing off Harrison to my dad. I opened the boxes and looked through them and realized what was inside; journals from when I was a kid until college.

I stopped writing after my dad kicked me out. I threw all my journals in a box and haven't even thought of them since I had Daisy.

As I looked at the boxes I noticed that I also had a lot of pictures from my middle school and high school days. I put them back in the box and told my mom I'd take it with me. All the other boxes had clothes I had outgrown, my old prom dress as well. I took some stuff with me and put them in the car.

"I have to get going mom, I need to make dinner." She looked at all the kids.

"Oh sweetie it's your birthday today isn't it?" I nodded. "Well how about I take the kids for the night." I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I'd have to get milk for them at the house-"

"We have some." I blinked making her sigh. "Listen, Harry has something planned, he asked me if I could take the kids so he left everything for me this morning." I gasped.

"I thought he forgot." She chuckled shaking her head. "That's why you called me over."

"Of course, well we were cleaning anyways. Just act surprised." I nodded giving her a hug.


As I walked into the house with the box, I heard Harry in the kitchen. I set the box down and walked in to find him cutting something. "My birthday girl!" I smiled at him.

"You did remember." He walked up to me and picked me up to kiss my cheek. "Happy anniversary."

"I love you." He kissed my cheek a few times before he set me down. I remembered I had a gift for him.

"Hold on." I walked towards the room to get the box and ran back to him. He smiled taking off the wrapper. "I hope you like it." He opened it slowly and he gasped.

"Sick! It's a skull!" He smiled putting it on his finger.

"Sick! It's a skull!" He smiled putting it on his finger

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