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"This is cream not eggshell," Olivia said to the woman who smiled and nodded going to the backroom for the third time. "I hate when people can't tell the difference, anyways keep talking it eases my mind," Olivia told me.

Today we were looking at napkins for her wedding. Being the maid of honor I had to join her in every small detail when Louis was too busy.

"Well I was naked and we were about to do it when we hear crying." She made a face. "Cockblocked again." I sighed.

Since our failed attempt at sex, Harry and I still hadn't had a good moment alone.

"Well if you're that desperate for dick, bring her over tomorrow so you guys can do the dance with no pants." I looked at her and smiled. "Jane the look you're giving me right now is that of a child who just got the best Christmas present ever."

I looked at her. "Olivia, what is the longest you and Louis went without sex?"

She thought about it. "I don't know like a week," she shrugged.

"Well for us it's about to be two months." She made a face.

We finished doing what we had to do and went our separate ways. I went home and as I drove up Harry sat outside with Daisy as he changed the brakes in his car. It was about four in the afternoon so I was a little late.

"Hi, mommy!" She waved at me. "Daddy is helping me change the brakes." She said making Harry laugh.

"Oh really he's helping you, are you almost done?" She looked down with wide eyes.

"Daddy, are we almost done?" He nodded. "Yes, we are almost done." She said proudly. I kissed her face and handed her a bag of chips and told her to go inside. I leaned down and kissed Harry.

"How was your day?" I asked him.

"Good, we had a guy come in with three brand new bikes and I painted them cherry red, lime green, and navy blue." He said happily. "Brand new bikes, baby, and this guy was such a tool and I hated him. But the bikes!" I smiled. I watched as he put the tire back on the car in a flash and tightened the lug nuts. The way his muscles flexed when he pushed the bar. The way his tongue licked his lips in concentration. "Okay, I'm done." He got up and pecked my lips. I tried to deepen the kiss but he pulled away.

I went inside to find Daisy sitting on the couch. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I went to the freezer and took out a frozen tray of food to eat. I was too tired to actually make something.

After I turned on the oven, I walked back to the living room. Harry walked into the house and said he was going to wash his hands. I closed the front door and Daisy sat back watching the TV.

I figured now was a good opportunity to get some action. "Toots, I have to make a phone call in the next room. Stay here okay?" She nodded watching the t.v. again. I went into our room and closed the door and locked it.

Harry was in the bathroom washing his hands when I walked in. "Jane, did you know that there was a difference between eggshell and cream? Louis won't shut up about it." I laughed walking into the bathroom behind him and putting my arms around him.

"So I've been told." Suddenly his phone rang and he moved around me. He answered quickly.

"Yes? Of course...Yes, I can have them done by tomorrow, alright. No, thank you." He hung up grabbing his work laptop. "I'm going to finish up a design, did you need something?" He asked sweetly.

Your dick.

"Oh, no it's okay," I said slightly disappointed. "I'm just going to make dinner." He nodded sitting at our desk.

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